Chapter 122

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Orlando Mango? 

Also thank you to those who came to my weird, Discord stream thing where I did that screen sharing thing. That balled. 

Third person pov

Tsukauchi had never sweat more in his entire life. Stepping out of that thrift store felt a lot like submitting himself to death, but he knew there was no way he could stay there. He'd be caught in no time at all. He was the only one at the moment who knew All Might and Chad had been kidnapped. He had to go back to UA and inform them! Going to a police station would also be a good idea, but there wasn't one near him at the moment. UA was his best shot. He'd be safer there anyway. He didn't want to put his fellow officers in harm's way if he didn't have to. Tsukauchi was confident the Yakuza wouldn't come after him if he was on school grounds. 

Tired and feeling sort of dizzy, the detective set out, clad in a simple dress and ruffled wig. It wasn't the most convincing, but he'd managed to pull a hat over the top of it. Again, not perfect, but believable enough at a glance. He made sure not to walk too fast, keeping his pace casual. He was glad it was dark. It helped hide the fact that his legs weren't shaved and his shoulders were broader than they probably should've been were he a woman. Not that woman couldn't have hairy legs and wide shoulders-- he was just saying it wasn't helping his case. That's all.  

Tsukauchi practiced taking a few deep breaths as he walked. He had to keep his wits about him. He was tired and felt ready to pass out-- he was pretty sure he'd hit his head in the crash. A concussion wasn't really something he wanted added to his list of problems right now, but what could he do? If he could just get to UA, he'd be fine. It would all be fine. They'd know what to do. He could get medical help from Recovery Girl and held track down Chad and Toshinori. It would be great! 

"Excuse me, ma'am." A gravelly voice chimed behind the detective. Tsukauchi tried not to devolve into complete cardiac arrest, turning his head just slightly to acknowledge that he'd heard. The blood roaring past his ears was so loud and strong he was sure it was about to start leaking out. It wasn't helping his dizziness, either. He was going to pass out, vomit, cry, or maybe a combination of the three. He wasn't sure yet. He genuinely hoped with everything in him that he wouldn't find out. "Have you seen a bloody man stumbling around? About your height, short black hair. He'd be around 40 or so." 

He sounded so polite. Were Tsukauchi actually an outsider in this situation, he'd have no idea they had nefarious intentions. It was as saddening as it was terrifying. The Yakuza really could be anyone, anywhere. And you'd probably never know unless they were dressed the part. These men were vlad rather creepily, so they looked fairly out of place. Whether that was a good or bad thing, Tsukauchi couldn't tell. He guessed now wasn't the best time to be thinking about that anyway. 

"U-Uh, no. I'm sorry." Tsukauchi squeaked out in his best female voice. It tumbled forth sounding strangled and entirely fake. Tsukauchi tried not to cringe, his entire body tense and waiting to see how they'd respond. Maybe with a gun shot straight to his spine. Honestly, that was such a bad female impression, he wouldn't even be that mad if he was met with violence. He took in a deep breath. He really wasn't the best at staying calm, was he? "I-I've got to get going." 

The voice crack. God, fuck, dammit. He was dead. This was the end. He'd just dug his own grave. Hell, he'd jumped in feet first of his own accord. He'd even carved his own headstone! At this rate, he wasn't going to get anywhere, ever. How'd he even made it to adulthood? He was lead Detective? A joke! 

His heart was about to beat out of his chest. He could tell the Yakuza member-- this one wasn't Chrono, but the other one-- was assessing him. Tsukauchi tried not to faint. He was pretty sure he was shaking. Hopefully the man would brush it off as nerves and be on his way, but he doubted that. Tsukauchi's luck had been pretty shitty today. Maybe fate would throw him a freebie. Did he not deserve it at this point? He'd literally had a rocket fired at his car, had gotten in a crash due to it, had watched his best friend get kidnapped, had a concussion, had been forced to leave his favorite trench coat behind, was being chased by the Yakuza, and now, he was in a dress! Nothing against them, but really? Really?

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