Chapter 115

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 Third person pov

Aizawa wasn't sure how they managed, but between himself and All Might, they were able to convince every parent of his 1-A class that the dorms were a necessity. Shota was almost disappointed by this. Almost. It felt like he'd just only moved in with Lillian and got to experience what it was like to live with her in his life. Now, he was going to be stuck with a bunch of other brats too. As irritating as that was, he knew it was needed. It just wasn't safe for them to live off campus anymore. A depressing realization, but a true one. They couldn't take anymore risks.

People had UA under a microscope. They were searching for any more fuck ups. If they had anymore, they'd probably have to shut the entire campus down. A student had died. It wasn't easy to come back from something like that, and they all knew it. All Might, Aizawa, and quite possibly Lillian were the only real reasons they were still running. All Might because he was still trusted and somewhat worshipped by society, Aizawa because he'd taken down the villain in the end, and Lillian because she was loved by the community and had gone through a lot.

"It'll be fine." Aizawa assured Lillian. They were on the way there with Bakugo also in the car, while Mic drove a truck after them with all their needed things. While the other kids would be getting normal dorm rooms, Aizawa was lucky enough to have Lillian's room be right besides his on the first floor. It was a little different and would definitely confirm to everyone that she was indeed his daughter, but he'd take what he could get at this point. Their small family dynamic was already going to be shattered. They could at least try and retain it just a bit.

Another wild card in this situation was Katsuki Bakugo. He and Lillian were side by side in the back seat. Bakugo certainly could've had his mother and father move him in. Hell, he even could've gone with Mihoko, who was graciously handling Hitoshi, Shoto, and Neito's belongings. Instead he'd refused to leave Lillian's side since the attack. He'd pitch an absolute fit at the first sign of separation, and Lillian would get noticeably fidgety as well. It wasn't a good thing. It was the first sign of what could turn into a very unhealthy attachment. It was fine to rely on each other for support, but not if it was going to cause extreme separation anxiety. Hopefully the separate rooms would help.

"E-Everyone knows." Lillian frowned, not looking forward to what was to eventually come. They'd added Kaminari and Bakugo both to the official squad group chat, and the electric blonde had reported back that it was all over the news, which they were all expertly avoiding. People now loved Eraserhead, hated Izuku Midoriya, and were putting Lillian up on a pedestal for surviving. The tragedy that came with Awase's death was sweeping across the nation. There was just... too much. Lillian didn't want to read about it.

"If anyone bothers you, I'll tell them to fuck off." Bakugo scoffed as though it were the most obvious answer in the world. Aizawa glanced at the explosive blonde in the rear view mirror with a slight grimace. The teen didn't seem to notice. "It's not their fucking business anyway."

"Th-They sort of deserve to know. I-I mean... I-Izuku! And Ochako had... she..." Lillian trailed off, looking more and more stressed by the second. Her phone had been blowing up since she left. Assurances from Kaminari, who'd gotten there first, that he'd explained not to ask too many questions. Neito swearing up and down that he'd practically live in the 1-A dorms rather than the 1-B ones, Shoto telling them he'd found some good mobile games to distract them all with, and Hitoshi saying he'd pull the amputee card to get people to go away if needed.

"Again, it'll be just fine." Aizawa said as they pulled up to UA's gates, though he wasn't too sure himself. "The situation is all over the news, so I'm sure they know somewhat what's happening. If anyone has any questions, they can ask me. Especially if they concern you." "A-Alright." Lillian took a deep breath, trying to shake off some of her nerves. She felt she'd been in a perpetual state of anxiety since the whole even went down, and she honestly wasn't living for it. She'd lost a friend, they'd all lost a life, and the world had lost a hero. It was heartbreaking, and Japan was left reeling. Villains would surely be rising up and to attention as hero society scrambled and tried to fill the gap All Might had left behind.

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