chapter 3

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Kai, Cole, Jay and Zane walked to the edge if the bridge and jumped onto the Bounty's deck.
"Take positions!" Wu instructed. The ninja peeked behind the wall. Morro was chasing after them, on his dragon.

"Did he always look that scary?" Jay asked.
"Only when he's mad." Cole replied.
"You think he's mad?" Jay asked.
"Possibly." Zane replied.

The wind dragon fired a blast at the bounty.
"Port side!" Zane exclaimed. Nya jerked the lever to the side, just narrowly avoiding the blast of wind.

"The cannons!" Cole exclaimed. Jay ran to them and targeted the charged at Morro's dragon. The ninja could fly so easily that Morro was able to dodge them all. Nya jolted right and Jay slid on the deck.

"Huh-- Let me get this straight. So you're telling me that Morro's gone weird, Lloyd is passed out and won't wake up, our powers are gone for some reason, and you have no answers at all?!" Jay yelled.
"I'm sorry. But whatever is going on, we need to prevent it. Morro won't stop until he gets what he needs." Wu said.
"There's a secret message in this staff, I don't know what it leads to, but we need to find out the symbols."

"Oh of course. JUST ANOTHER DAY IN NINJAGO!" Jay shouted.
"If this is as fast as the bounty goes, I think we're in for some serious trouble!" Cole exclaimed. Morro flew up, dispelling his dragon and landing on the bounty. He extended his staff.

"I need ink and parchment to make an imprint to see what's on the staff!" Wu exclaimed.
"Kai and I will take you to our quarters, while Jay and Cole keep him busy!" Zane exclaimed, running of Kai following.
"Oh, that's honorable of you to nominate us." Cole said.
"Yeah, we won't fare to good, why is it you get off with the easy task?!" Jay shouted.
"Because I'm the intelligent one!" Zane waved off.

"Okay, here we go!" Jay and Cole drew swords on their back and ran in. Morro blocked Jay's attack first then raised his staff towards Cole, kicking Jay back in the process.
"So, what's going on, huh?" Cole asked, pressing his sword against Morro's staff.
"If you want a literal explanation, many things." Morro pushed Cole back a little.
"Can't you ever be direct with us?" Jay yelled, kicking low.

Morro jumped up and flipped back.
"That's depending on how I'm doing on a day." Morro said.
"And so I'm guessing it's a bad day now." Cole said. Morro twirled the staff to his side.
"Oh, really?"

Nya looked down at the fight.
"Why am I steering the ship? Theres a reason autopilot was invented!" Nya exclaimed, pushing a button as a blow up pilot came up. Nya ran off to get her samurai suit.

Morro kicked Cole back into the mast as Jay jumped aside.
"Oh, great." Jay said raising his sword.

Morro's staff was knocked away from his hand by Nya and her circular blade. Jay raced to pick up the staff. Morro slashed his arm across his body, making Nya jump out of the way and wind breaking the controls. Then Morro turned around and kicked Jay back. The blue ninja dropped the staff and Morro retived it.

"Oh, that's not good." Nya said as alarms went off and the auto pilot shut off. The bounty tilted sideways and Morro jumped into the lower deck.

Zane, Wu and Kai were thrown against the wall by the sudden change of the bounty and saw Morro running in.

"Our quarters aren't much further! Go, sensei!" Zane urged.
"Kai and I will hold him back!"

Wu turned to get there as Kai and Zane advanced.

"We'll crash if we don't stabilize the bounty!" Cole cried, just hanging on to the side of the deck with Jay and Nya. The samurai used the cannon chairs to jump her way to the bridge.
"Come on! Pull up!" She desperately pulled on the steering.
"Pull up!!"

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