Chapter 4 {Chimera}

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I fell over as soon as I got up and started walking again! What exactly is going on?! Oh, I see... I sighed and stood up, pulling something out of the bushes that revealed a young boy hiding in the bushes.


"You fell for it! I got you twice! Two times!"


"Yeah, I know what twice means. Stop it with your pranks. I have somewhere to get to, and I suggest you don't interfere." I can't believe I actually tripped over an invisible string. So stupid.


"Hey! Hey! Where are you going?!"


"You're annoying me."


"Please?! Tell me where you're going! I wanna know. You look really cool!"


I kept on walking, trying to ignore him.


"Tell me, tell me, tell me!"


"It's somewhere you shouldn't be going."


"Then... That's gonna make me wanna go even more!"


"Just buzz off already!" I'm trying to walk away from the kid, but it's still following me!


"Hey, are you-"


Before the kid could say anything else, something jumped right out of the bushes and knocked him unconscious! "What the-" I turned around and...



Where... What?... 




A cat? A girl? 


"Hm... I think you must be confused." The girl's eyes were squinting, and she looked pretty dead inside. "Hey, that kid's been asking if you were okay."


The... Kid?


"You're awake! Please, protect me!"


"..." I'm confused. What happened? How did I get here? Why am I here? Who is that? 


"You'll do well."


"I'll... Do well? What is that supposed to mean?..."


"And the little one... Is weak. Just let him die. Oh, you're going to get eaten of course! You'll be born anew!"


"You mean like a human's going to eat me?!"


"No, silly. The queen shall eat you!" The girl got up and tried to run, but of course, since I wrecked up her legs, she won't be able to move so easily.


"What did you do to me?!"


"Well, I just made your legs like that so you wouldn't escape. Now, come on."


"W-Wait! Please, don't go!" The cat woman and the girl left... I'm all lonely. I don't like it when I'm all alone... I waited and waited.

A few days later.


What time is it in the morning? When does it get dark? When is it time to go outside and play? When is it time to eat? When do you think it'll be time to go home? I hear footsteps coming my way. Steps that are very loud. The young lady approaches me and yanks me out of the cell I've been locked in for days. I'm not in the mood to get up. I'm done.


"What now, Pitou?" Pitou is the cat woman's name. She has finally told me her name.


"Well, the queen says you should go out and get more humans. Go for the really strong ones, the queen needs lots of protein!"


"Understood." I slowly exited the Chimera Ant castle and set out to find the most powerful humans I could find. I'm aware that I used to be a human. I'm sure of it. However, I can't seem to recall anything. Pitou, the recently eaten kid, and the Queen are the only memories I have right now.

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