Denial and Confusion

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     The brisk air chipped at Shoyo's skin. His shivering became more apparent as he and Ray walked more. He was running so much he was losing his breath, the taller male next to him abruptly stopped. 

"Ray?" Shoyo asked in confusion.

The taller male started walking away mumbling something under his breath. Shoyo could only make out two words. "goodbye Emma..."

"Ray please!," Shoyo yelled when the realization hit him "I can't lose you, you're all I have left!" his desperate cries seemed to be unheard as the other never even stopped to turn back.

     Shoyo quickly shot up in his bed, his blinds slightly cracked with some light peeking in. This keeps coming back, hopefully fate will bring us back together. Shoyo chuckled a little at what he had said. He was so lost in his own world he never noticed his sister tampling over him to wake him up.

     "にい-ちゃん wake up! You'll be late for school if you don't." she says chuckling, snapping out of my thoughts i jump out of bed and get changed into my jersey and go downstairs. 

"HEY MA!" Shoyo screams while making his way down. Shoyo's mom turns away from the toaster and motion her arm as a signal for him to go over, he skips over there, a toothy smile planted on his face. Shoyo's mom hands him a plate of eggs with furikake.

      After he finished eating he thanked his mother and walked out. Kags was waiting for him today do they could race to school. Kags had won the race, as Shoyo was still a little shaken from the nightmare. They walked into the gym to change, and when they came out they were met with Daichi waiting for them.

     "Alright everyone gather up!" he exclaimed, all of them gathered around into a circle formation. "we have a practice match with Nekoma tomorrow!" he practically exclaimed. Shoyo's toothy smile appeared on his face, since he realized he could see Kenma again!

The next day

    Shoyo was awoken by the chime of his phone, the groupchat spamming Shoyo to hurry up. Shoyo goes into Natsu's room and wakes her up. Shoyo changed as quickly as he could, brushing his hair and teeth and running downstairs to grab a quick breakfast. He grabbed some toast and a random juice bottle from the fridge and headed out the door, texting his mom he loves her, for her to see when she wakes up. He arrived in around 5 minutes and nobody has questioned his lateness, since it was usual for the tangerine haired male. When getting on the bus he put on a pair of headphones and went to sleep.

     A few hours later they arrives at Nekoma, Shoyo was once again awoken, but this time by the screaming by the coach. 

     "Alright brats we've arrived!" . When Shoyo stepped out fo the bus he scanned the area for a specific person. Once he had spotted the pudding haired male.

     "KEN-KEN" Shoyo yells, running into the other males arms. 

     "Hey Shoyo." Kenma replied flatly, a small smile tugging at his lips. He had stayed up the night before, so his energy level was quite low.

      Backing up away from the hug Shoyo could feel eyes piercing at him from the back, Nekoma's captain was staring at him. There a sense of familiarity with the captain, but he didnt know from where. Shoyo brushed it off as he heads to the room arrangements that he soon learned he shares with Kags, Kenma and Kuroo.

Earlier that day

     Kuroo and his team were practicing before Karasuno had arrived. The honk of a bus had made them all run outside.

     The first person to walk out of the bus was an white haired male, Suga, the team captain. 

     "I apologize in advance for my team." The male chuckles nervously while excusing himself to the side. Confusion filled Nekoma, until chaos soon unfolded. Two males came tumbling down the bus stairs, play fighting, saying bro every 5 seconds. Kuroo got lost into his thoughts when he heard someone say "KEN-KEN". What confused the rooster haired male was why kenma had let the tangerine male call him that, he scolded people who used that besides him.

     Kuroo felt himself staring, something about his seemed so familiar. He felt eyes staring back at him, embarrassed he looks away and goes the arrangements. Something about this male just wouldn't get out of his head! whether it was the smell that was familiar, the hair that was familiar, the personality that was familiar. He just couldn't pinpoint why it was so familiar!
771 words! <3               

                                        (this has been edited!)

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