the shops

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Something about that rooster head kept bothering Shoyo. Thoughts were racing through his mind constantly. He kept trying to convince himself that it was just his imagination, and that he shouldn't pay too much mind to it but deep down he know he couldn't just let this go. Shoyo set his stuff down he had packed next to the couch, only to lay on his stomach atop it seconds later, still wondering.

    'could i have some connections with him?' He asked himself, it was stupid and he knew more than anyone else, Kuroo was just a random team captain from Nekoma, there's no reason to overthink this.

     Kageyama walked in about 10 minutes later. Shoyo had bee too lost in his thought to even notice anything about his surroundings. Kenma walked in not soon after, his eyes glued to his gaming console as he walked. Kenma begins tripping and Shoyo snaps out of his thoughts as he ran to go and catch his cat-like friend. When arriving over there he realized Kenma never made contact to the floor.

   'Could he be floating?' Shoyo questioned. He looked up only to notice the taller black-haired male holding Kenma by his hood.

      "hey!!" Kenma whisper-shouts guiding his eyes away from his game to glare at Kuroo, but almost immediately after his eyes were glued back to his game. Kuroo seemed un-phased by the shorter male, this made Shoyo wonder if this happened a lot. Kuroo put Kenma down on the floor to ensure he was safe and walked over to one of the beds.

     Shoyo sits up on the couch, creating small talk with Kenma before glancing over to the clock. It was around 6, so he dug into his bag and brought out a sketchbook. He began putting his feelings into the drawing, he picked it up after escaping, his mother signed him up for classes in hopes it would be therapeutic.

     Shoyo finished his sketch around 7, a flower, a Hydrangea macrophylla to be exact. His stomach rumbled, he hadn't eaten all day, so he went to grab a snack. Upon arriving in the kitchen he spotted Sugawara.

     "Hello Suga!" Shoyo exclaimed practically beaming upon the sight of his senior. Suga jumped a bit but turned around nonetheless.

     "Shoyo you startled me." He breathed out, holding his heart as if he was having a heart attack.

     "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry," Shoyo started "I didn't realize I would scare you so bad!" Shoyo kept saying sorry until Suga finally spoke up.

     "It's okay Shoyo! Please don't stress about it." Sugawara gave Shoyo one of the most sincerest smiles.

Shoyo went up to the fridge and grabbed a meat bun that the team had bought earlier before they arrived at the practice match.  He started to feel cramps in his stomach, they became overbearing and he fell onto the floor. He quickly got up, he apologized to Sugawara and ran to the bathroom. When he got the bathroom he had realized he had started his period. He decided he had enough time to run to the store, grab some and come back without getting caught. However, due to Hinatas amazing luck Coach Ukai stopped Hinata at the door.

"Hinata what do you think you're doing this late trying to leave" Hinata stops in his tracks and takes his hand off the door handle.

     "I need to buy something extremely important." Hinata holds his stomach as another cramp comes and Ukai sees a bit of blood trailing down his pants.

     "Alright, here's a couple of bucks to help you out, and make sure when you get back you throw your pants into the washer, it's visible from where i'm at." That was Hinatas que to run outside quickly, thanking Ukai for the kind donation.

     Back with Kuroo he hears a slam of a door. It startled him, so he got up to go check it out. He saw the Karasuno coach and ran back to the room, he slid open the door and hopped out of it, Kenma gave a thumbs up and Kuroo saw the ginger haired male from Karasuno making his way towards the shops.

They arrive at the store, Kuroo slowly trailing behind Shoyo. He watches from afar as Hinata makes his way to the section with pads. Curious Kuroo quickly follows him over there, completely confused.

"Hinata?" Kuroo speaks up, coming from behind the clothing rack he was previously behind.

Hinata jumped and turned to where Kuroo was "UWAHHH!" He quickly calms himself down and looked at Kuroo "Look it's not-"

"It's okay." Kuroo said quickly. "I mean it doesn't seem like you're here to do anything creepy, plus you do have a younger sister too, right?"

Hinata quickly played it off and shook his head. "Yea, she's coming to tomorrows match and i just want to make sure she has anything she might need..." Kuroo smiles at him and nods in understandment.

"I used to have a girl best friend, her mama used to get her that exact brand, she said it was her favorite." Kuroo frowns at the thought. "Anyways, we better head back it's getting late."
Words: 867

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