Eww thats nasty what is that thing -Tsukki 2021

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A/N hello! this is me editing this after i posted my last A/N so this is probably really bad an dhopefully my writing has improved halfway through the chapter, also i wrote the beginning in 2021 so im keeping it LMAO although it is 2022 while im finishing the chapter. ive also found a way around my schools system so yes im back to writing in school #materialgworl

Hinata's pov (cause i havent done his in a while)

     As we walk into the forest i can see everyone confused when we hear the doors behind us shutting. Everyone seems freaked out by this becasue of the sudden noise, "Should we go THERE and grab stuff before continuing the adventure" i ask quickly. They both nod their heads. "aight so where are are we going?" Ukai asked, "home..." i replied quite sad but i could see the visible confusion. "look dont worry about it okay you'll see whne we arrive though we have a big journey ahead of us!" everyone groans man athletes i swear- (JOKES DONT ATATCK ME OK?) We start heading to this place maybe 30 minutes in, we knew no demons would come for a bit so we placed the hideout there. We wnated to be prepared even if we never came back its always good to have things there. We stored food and stuff which was probably expired but we could find some on the way.

     We arrive at the place. Its basically a mini hut made out of sticks, i get we were smart but we also twelve so it was kind of difficult nonetheless."OK we're at our first stop!" everyone makes a cheer noise happy to finally be sitting down, to be fair they have never been here so their probably tired we also just had a game so i understand they'd be tired. "NORMAN!" i scream he wasnt here when i feel something shake me "AHH!" i scream as an imediate reactiona nd to my not surprise its.... Norman? okay whatever. "talk about downgrading over the years hmph" "HEY! THATS MEAN!" "no he hasnt still as awesome as always" i hear Kuroo say (ill be using Ray for him in the future so just know that) And i SWEAR TO CONNY i could see Norman blushing.

     We grab our stuff and have them follow us the ony bad thing is that we have to protect them since they cant fight. I throw a bow into Tsukkishima's hand whoch catches him by surprise "OI, SHRIMP WHY'D YOU GIVE ME THIS AND MORE IMPORTANTLY WHY DO YOU HAVE THESE?" this catches everyones attention form what they were doing before "because you'll need" i can hear Norman reply in a sharp tone. This causes everyone to worry... wait till they see what we're up against. "aight heading out! we've got around 1 day to go!" everyone groans at this THEY WALKED INTO THIS! whatever.


     Weve been walking for about an hour when i hear noises, the teams start screaming in fear "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Norman and Ray look at me and we know whats about to come. we can hear the footsteps coming closer and closer and closer until "TRY TO CATCH US" i hear Norman scream and we hear running, we're now all running cause y e s "eww thats nasty what is that thing?!" Tsukkishima says while running "IS THAT WHAT YOUR WORRIED ABOUT RIGHT NOW?" Daichi exclaims. "NOW!" i hear Norman scream and us three stop and the teams stop confused but watch as the arrows we shoot hits its eyes and it fallls down to ground. Some fo them screaming in fear becasue not gonna lie i would too- but y'know t r a u m a, anygays. "look we'll explain in a bit its getting quite late so we should get some rest okay?

      Once we get back they demand for answers. *after explaining that those are demons* "WHY ARE YOU IN HERE THEN?" daichi exclaims "you'll see" i reply swiftly the next few days are just us walking around fighting demons same old same old.

(this is where im writing again haha)

     Soon we start to arrive towards a castle like place. "Woah!" Yachi exclaims. "Maybe we could ask for help there?" Iwaizumi suggests. "We're heading there anyways." i heard Norman/Sugawara say. I can hear a few confused sighs but i guess everyone has lost motivation to say anything. Im pretty sure there's people searching for us but they wont find us in here. As we start approaching closer and i ca hear kids laughing and playing and we knew we found what we were looking for. Me, Ray and Norman stop suddenly which makes everyone else stop , this makes the people in the back fall. "HEY WHAT GIKVES?!" Oikawa says. "everyone be quiet me, Sugawara and Kuroo need to continue forward, you guys cant. Everyone seems upset at this. "We came all the way here for you to only let yourselves go forward?!" i hear Tsukkishima say. "fine but please, dont say anything let us explain our intentions and i dont want you guys to question anything." Everyone agrees real quick.

     We all walk in and we see the kids all stop playing. They all move their eyes towards us which is kinda scary. I MEAN ITS TINY CHILDREN WHO ARE GOING TO BE EATEN RIGHT?! anygays, we start walking closer and i can see the oldest kid whisper something and they all start to scatter. I see mama walk out, she looks old now well OLDER. "what is all this commotion about kids?" her eyes then land on us. She looks confused and angry at us until her eyes start to dissolve into a warm mother look. "RAY, NORMAN, EMMA!" we let out our arms and let her run into them. "MY BABIES!!" she yells. The kids now look at us less intense but more confusion. We have a little family reunion but its quickly cut short when the oldest kid says "alright somebody explain who you guys are and why mama is hugging you." We stop hugging and look over "We're some of her old kids" Ray says with a laugh. I see mama's eye light up. "you laughed!" Ray chuckles.

     Kenma walks up "He always laughs what do you mean?" Mama looks over to Ray and he shakes his head "Hes not ready to say just yet." she says. Coach Ukai steps up now "alright, who is this woman, why are you calling her mama AND WHAT IS GOING ON?! Everyone else quickly nods their heads in unison. "Well.." i start "we grew up in an orphanage and this was where we lived." i let out a small smile "but it was worth it." everyone looks worried. "YOU SURVIVED IN THAT FOREST?!" Noya says the kids eyes go blood shot. "w-what" what seems like a middle child chokes out. mama's eyes go blank "nothing my dears they were joking. she smiles and its very unsettling. "well alright kids we're going to head inside now! it's time for dinner!" me Normand and Ray look at her and she can feel the eyes, she turns around. "Don't worry my children its not what you think" she smiles again. I feel as though she is lying but maybe not..

     "Whats else would she be talking about? Whats so bad about meat?" Tanaka says. And we look at each other and we could see mama listening "Connie soup." We choke out.

Alright so im losing motvation to finish this like fully and i think ill wait till Monday to work on this story again. Dont worry next chapter will have Gilda, Don and our lord and savior Phil. Also before i start my next part should i add Gilda X Emma? (Grown up Gilda and Hinata?) or leave him a single pringe. I dont wanna ship him with character from Haikyuu personally cuz theres too many ships to choose from. anygays tell me what characters u want to see get more representation throughout the story and ill make sure i add them. <3

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