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I'm literally going to end everything bc of editing this fanfic istg. (yes i lowkey changed some of the plot shhh)

     As hinata and Kuroo were walking back they created conversations, both seemingly avoiding conversating about their past. After a little bit of walking they find a snack shop and decide to go get ice cream together. Just to get to know each other, since they were forced to stay in the same room for a while.

     "What's your favorite flower?" Asked Kuroo, taking a bite of his ice cream with the wooden spoon they were provided.

"A vidar." Shoyo shrugged, licking the ice cream off his hand he had gotten on himself. "It reminds me a lot of my past." Kuroo thought for a second before speaking up.

"That's funny, because so is mine!" Kuroo chuckles a little. They finish their ice cream and begin heading back to where they're staying.

Once they arrived back at the room, they were met with quite a sight. A worried Kageyama.

     "BOKE HINATA BOKE!" Rings through the room, as Hinata looks straight at Kageyama.
   "im sorry i was out late, a little longer than expected."  Kenma looks up from his game and creates eye contact with Shoyo, looking over at Kuroo, then back to Shoyo.

   " I didnt expect you guys to be friends." Kenma chimes, but almost immediately turns his head back to his game." Shoyo

"I'm full of surprises." Shoyo laid on his bed and sprawled out. "I'm going to bed."

The next morning shoyo woke up at about 5 o'clock. This was because back in the orphanage. This is the time they would wake up to start chores. He expected to be the only one up, but to his surprise, he sees Kuroo up with coffee and reading.

"Kuroo?" Shoyo says through the dim lighting. "Is that you?"

Kuroo pipes up from where he was reading and looks at him. " yeah I've always been a morning person if I'm being honest. This is about the time I would run on when I was a kid."

"Type shit!" Shoyo says, chuckling. for some reason, he felt like he could talk to Kuroo. his aura was just so... Familiar. Shoyo and Kuroo talked about multiple random things while trying to pass time.

Shoyo went back to where he was sleeping and grabbed a sketchbook out.

"You draw?" Kuroo draws out, hinting that he wanted to see the drawings. Shoyo nodded and open his sketchbook. His notebook consisted of multiple references to his past i.e. the flowers, momma, norman and ray and even the Demons. Shoyo just assumed that Kuroo wouldn't understand the references and wouldn't question anything about it. For all he knew this could be Shoyo's art style.

Kuroo's Pov:

Hinata wanted to show me his sketches and i couldnt wait to see them he seems like a very good artist. As he sits back down he opens it up to the first page it reads "DO NOT READ MY PERSONAL SPACE" very nice opening "You can open it!" he says with a very blinding smile but it reminds me of someone... Emma. I ned to get that thought of my mind. I open up the first picture its a picture of a woman shes scribbled over though "Sorry this was a vent picture." i didnt want to make him talk about it, the next sketch was a sketch of the 1st year setter on his team. I think he likes him i mean its obvious they have feelings for each other. They'll figure out sooner or later, the next sketch is a sketch of a flower... it looks like. "Sorry about that it was about my past dont worry about it" we go to the next picture and its a picture of... me Emma and Norman... "Kuroo thats a sketch of me and my old friends!" It is Emma. "Emma..."

Hinata's Pov:

"Emma..." how did he- "Ray..?" OMG IT IS HIM. all of a sudden a knock can be heard on the door of our room "Wake up guys we have the training match in like... an hour and we need to be there 30 minutes early." are you kidding?! talk about horrible timing :/. "coming coach!" me and Kuroo must have been so caught up in conversation we didnt realise Kenma and Kags had already headed downstairs. I go into the bathroom put a pad on, put on my binder and put on my outfit. "I'm ready" i say to Kuroo who obviously has less steps than me to get ready. When we reach downstairs we notice we're the last ones to be ready. "OK now that we're all here we have to set sail to the training match. And also letting you guys know Aoba Johsai will be there aswell." "great." i can hear Kags mutter.

Once we arrive at the training match we see Aoba Johsai getting ready for the day. We each seperate Karasuno one side and Nekoma on the other. (i would add more teams but i seriously dont remember half of any teams sorry-) "Alright guys lets get to warming up!" We each get into our little groups and start practicing. After about 10 minutes we each get ready to get into our games.

~timeskip cause I cant write matches my apologies~

When going against Aoba Johsai we won 2 and they won one, when going against Nekoma we lost basically just swap the scores. I decide to call Kuroo over which seems to surprise all the teams I mean who would've expected us to be friends am I right? Anygays, we ended up saying goodbye to our teams for the day after cleaning up. But before we could exit the building someone with white hair walked. "Hello, I'm looking for someone named Ray and Emma? i was informed they would be here today at this exact time, i was told to bring them home."

| we'll meet again Emma... | Tpn X Haikyuu (undergoing rework)Where stories live. Discover now