🍋Mike Morton🍋

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My first smut in a WHILE. Im not sure if ill even end up posting it but afterall this is a "random idea" type of book.

I really scrolled through my entire Idv folder and could not find a SINGLE picture of Mike alone. They all had norton in them ;-;.

Update 5/4/2024: I beg of you read literally anything else I have written this is quite possibly the worst thing I have ever made because it was entirely written after 11pm during quarantine.

‼️Trigger/Kink warning:‼️
Mike getting pegged, femdom, reader gives off milf vibes, CNC, degrading, mommy kink, orgasm denial, author being a simp, choking, and general roughness.


     The shrill ringing of your alarm woke you from a peaceful slumber, a left hand ran through your tangled hair as the right turned it off. You stretched your arms above your head with a satisfying groan before you crawled from the sheets. You winced as the cold hardwood touched your soles, getting up to change into your daily wear.

     The room had a grey, stuffy haze, and cool light drizzled lazily from the window. You noted this as a cloudy sky, and the humidity as a warning of rain.

     Your mind drifted a bit as you buttoned your blouse, slightly shifting your plans to account for a sudden shower. You tied an emerald green crevat around your neck, tucking it into the dark taupe vest you wore with it.

     After securing a gold brooch on your collar and tying a matching green ribbon in your hair, you briskly started on your way to breakfast.

     The clicks from your heeled boots echoed through the empty hallway, the grey light from the window giving the manor a drowsy feeling. You soon stopped at a large spruce door, softly smiling at the chatter behind it. The door effortlessly creaked open as you entered a buzzing mess hall, filled with the smell of hot food.

     A few "Good Morning!"'s flew your way, you returned then with a warm smile. You began to serve yourself at the counter, steaming bacon, fresh eggs, and- "(Y/N)!" a familiar voice squeaked behind you. You didn't even need to turn your head to tell who it was, his colorful arms wrapped around your waist from behind as he nuzzled your neck.

     You couldn't help but let your face light up, turning around to hug him properly. "Good morning, dear." you cooed, ruffling his hair and planting a kiss on his forehead. He looked up at you with a big grin; "Mornin'!" he giggled, burying his face in your chest.

     Your mood dropped in an instant. He knew damn well he wasn't allowed to do that in public. He was only a few inches shorter than you, so it couldn't have been an accident. Your suspicion was confirmed when he looked back up with a mischievous smirk. You scowled back at him, gripping the back of his hair and pulling his ear up to your face. "Don't test me boy." you muttered threateningly, your voice lowered so only he could hear.

     His smirk grew, he had succeeded in riling you up. You released him begrudgingly, watching him skip away with a satisfied grin. Glancing around the room, it seemed that the others hadn't noticed the interaction. You did your best to relax as you seated yourself.

     You nearly slammed your plate on the table before you sat down. Luckily, it was a secluded corner of the hall, Luca was the only one to notice.

     He barely looked up from his plate, poking at the half eaten hashbrowns. "Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" he questioned. You sighed and squeezed your nose, "Mike." you muttered. "Mmm... Teasing you again?" He asked, though he didn't really need an answer. "How do you plan on punishing him this time?" He took a bite of his food. "Not sure, even tying him up with a toy stuck on the tip doesn't faze him anymore." You gazed out the window, a drizzle finally starting to fall.

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