chapter six.

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❞We weren't fucking!❞

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❞We weren't fucking!❞


DICKIE DICK GRAYSON is getting on my nerves, I'm waiting for him in his room. He wanted to hang out with me and I agreed to clear my very busy schedule for this idiot. It's been three days since I came back, I'm surprised that Dick's stopped being so overly there so soon, to be honest, I miss it a little.

Although to be fair, so far he's only a minute late.

But my best quality is that I'm impatient, so I call him. I have to wait for a minute more before he picks up, "Dickie Dick Grayson~"

"Xa - Xandra, he - hey..."

"You were supposed to be here two and a half minutes ago."

"Right... sorry," He winces, I frown, tilting my head back, "I'll be right there, I just got a little busy..."

I hum, "It's ok, just be over here soon otherwise I'm gonna punch you."

He chuckles shortly, "Don't worry, give me 15 minutes."


"12 minutes."


"I'll be there in ten."

"See you~!"

"Yeah, Xandra."

The call ends. I'm suspicious. Of course, I am, I'm rarely not suspicious. Dick sounded weird, really tired, and completely out of it. It's 8 in the evening and though Dick is older than me, he isn't an old man. He is able to lead a relatively healthy life on completely unhealthy levels of sleep.

He doesn't sound tired unless he's running on -17 hours of sleep or he's annoyed. 

It can't be sleep. So what's made Dick annoyed?

Don't tell me, it's me...?

I should ask him. Yeah, I'm gonna ask Dickie Dick Grayson.


I was with Barbara when Alex called. In a very comprising situation. The fact that I'd had a hang-out scheduled with Alex had slipped my mind when I'd decided to visit Barb's house. 

She's balanced on top of me, her hands resting on my bare chest. She's not fully naked, neither am I. She's in underwear, I still have one pant leg on.

She sighs, "You gotta go?"

I groan, "Yeah."

She falls off my chest, moving to lie down beside me, "Damn, we weren't moving as fast as we thought we were."

I chuckle, "Guess we weren't."

I turn to look at her, and I kiss her. Kissing Barbara is a familiar thing, it's easy to fall into. It's easy because I know what to do. I know where to put my hand, to trail it under her jaw. I know how to kiss her so that she melts and she knows how to kiss me to make me melt.

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