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It was walking down the road towards my house as the rays of sun where hitting my face. "Sigh today was a hard day." I said to no one in particular as I walked into my one bedroom apartment that definitely needed cleaning. "Ugh here I come couch time to watch the last episode of Avatar The Last Airbender." Getting comfortable on the couch and turning on Netflix to watch the last episode of my favourite series ever.


It was the ending of the episode where Zuko announced the end of the hundred year war that my eyes started to close by themselves and without even trying to fight back I gave in to slumber being to tiered to care that I was sleeping on the couch instead of my comfortable bed. To be honest this sleep felt different from how it usually felt it was like I was floating on thin air with a black blanket covering me from head to toe and there was no noise complete silence it wasn't one of those uncomfortable silences it was oddly peaceful. Without realising I had no idea how long I was asleep? I knew I fell asleep but it didn't feel like it as I was conscious and aware of my surroundings. Before I could wonder more I felt someone lightly tapping me on the shoulder and a quiet gentle voice telling me to get up.

When I opened my eye I was temporarily blinded by the light that shone on my face as I slowly regained my vision I saw a women that looked like a nun I think. The more I took in her appearance the more she looked like the Avatar that was a Airbender and a nun but I could tell it wasn't the same person but this person in front of me was definitely a nun from the Air Temples in the Avatar universe. Then the lady spoke "Finally you're awake I was trying to wake you up for ten minutes straight. Get ready Yuki or you are going to miss breakfast and don't forget your training today." She finished walking out of the room I was in which is definitely not the same that I fell asleep in.

Getting up from the bed I take a look around it was a simple room had a few toys here and there and a stick next to a desk that reminded me of Aangs glider. I made my way toward the window and looked out side. The view just took my breath away multiple buildings upside down hanging of a cliff with many people all women with the exception of what looked like an old monk here and there. I quickly turn around and look for a mirror in the room I found one not to far away from the door of the room.

Making my way towards it I look at my self. I looked like a female version of Aang but a lot more feminine and Airbender clothes on me. I had bark brown hair that went a bit past my shoulders and was slightly wavy and misty gray eyes I also had pale clear skin. I looked about six years old which surprised me I just went from being a twenty-one year old who had a stable job to being a six year old Air nomad.

With me finally realising where I was a painful headache hit me and memories came flying into my head of me living here from the moment I was born and my teacher the nun that was here before teaching me basic Air bending but one memory that I was even more shocked was me of the age of two being at the Southern Air Temple to see my new born baby brother Aang the future Avatar.

For a few seconds I stood there wondering how I got here. But in the end I could not come up with any logical answer so I just went on with my day getting changed and going to get breakfast. There isn't any reason to think about stuff that you won't get an answer to and this has always been my dream to come into this world and help Aang stop the hundred year war so now my goal is to master Air bending as quick as possible so that I can help Aang and maybe be able to live at the Southern Air Temple to help in his bending and even maybe be his protector.

This is how my story in the Avatar universe started.

{Word count: 766}

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