The Avatar Returns

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I make my way toward Aang and Katara giving them a hug. "You two are okay right? You not hurt anywhere?" Before I could ask more questions Sokka points an accusing finger towards me and Aang. "I knew it! You signalled the Fire Navy with that flare! You're leading them straight to us, aren't you?" Like how stupid is he, he know that me and Aang where in that iceberg for a hundred years and he still thinks we are spies. "Aang didn't do anything. It was an accident." Katara tries to save Aang but its not really helping. "Yeh, we were on the ship and there was this booby trap and well... we "boobied" right into it." Gran Gran was disappoint at Katara that she even went into that ship and things escalated quickly and we where kicked out of the water tribe. Katara tried to leave with us but I stopped her. "Hey Katara I know that you are angry but don't chose us over you family okay." I smile gentle at he and give her a quick good bye hug and give Sokka a gentle smile and good bye wave as I got onto Appa.

As we where leaving Katara asked us where we would be going to which Aang replied to. "Guess we'll go back home and look for the Airbenders. Wow, I haven't cleaned my room in a hundred years. Not looking forward to that." I laugh slightly at Aangs joke. After saying our final good bye we leave with me on Appas head and Aang in the back look at the Water Tribe sadly. "Don't worry Aang I have a feeling that our paths will cross again with them." I tried to reassure him. After travelling for a while we take a break and Appa grunts to which Aang replies to. "Yeah, I liked her too." I look up and in the distance I see a Fire Navy making it's way toward the Water Tribe. "Hey Aang look over there." I said while tapping Aang on the shoulder. "Oh no we have to help them." Aang took of quickly with me not to far behind him as we made our way towards the tribe.

Some where on the way Aang found a penguin and slid into the Water Tribe. He slides right under Zuko sweeping his legs right under him causing Zuko to fall onto his butt. I wasn't that far behind Aang so I made my way toward Sokka and helped him get up from the floor. "Hey are you okay? You're not hurt are you." Worried I take his face into my hand and moved it left and right and looked him up and down looking for any kind of injures but he looked fine. While looking for any injuries I didn't fail to notice a light blush that cross Sokkas face. "Hey Katara. Hey Sokka." Sokka turns to Aang. "Hi...Aang. Thanks for coming. You too Yuki." He said turning back to me. Finally I let go of his face and and look at Zuko.

Aang sends a blast towards Zuko and his men. "Looking for me?" Zuko looks at Aang and asks. "You're the Airbender? You're the Avatar?" Sokka and Katara where shocked at the new information that they learned. Aang and Zuko stood in fighting positions. "I've spent years preparing for this encounter. Training. Meditating. You're just a child!" "Well, you're just a teenager." That wasn't the smartest thing Aang could have said but a fight between the two broke out. One of Zukos blasts nearly hit some Water Tribe members but I quickly Airbended the fire away from them. Zuko noticed this and said. "Two Airbenders this must be my luck day." Aang realised that we can't fight with this many people to protect at the same time. "If I go with you, will you promise to leave everyone alone?" Zuko accepted his offer and had some of his men tie Aangs hands behind his back and then he motioned them to do the same to me. "Hey leave her alone you said that you would leave them alone if I went with you!" Aang shouted. "Huh I won't miss an opportunity to capture not only the Avatar but the only other Airbender there is. Men get them on the ship now." "Aang don't worry we are going to be fine." I sent him a smile while we where forced onto the ship.

"No, Aang, Yuki! Don't do this!" Katara shouted but we had this under control or at least I think. "Don't worry, Katara, we'll be okay. Take care of Appa for me until I get back." He smiled at her as we where pushed further onto the Fire navy ship. "Head a course to the Fire Nation. I'm going home."

We where quite far away from the Water Tribe now. Zuko was not to far away from us with our staffs/ gliders. "This staff will make an excellent gift for my father. I suppose you two wouldn't know of fathers, being raised by monks and nuns. Take the Avatar and the Airbender to the prison hold. And take this to my quarters." He said handing off our gliders to Iroh. "Wow that was kinda rude and uncalled for you know we have feeling too you know." Zuko just scoffed at my reply and told the guard to take us to our cells.

We where escorted down some stairs into the ship and into a dark corridor after a while Aang decided to speak. "So... I guess you never fought an Airbender before. I bet I can take you both with my hands tied behind my back." The guard only replied with anger telling him to be quiet. We take a stop in front of a boor and the guards move to open it with a key. Me and Aang look at each other and nod both of us taking a big breath and release it causing the air to blow the guard with the keys to fly into the door and caused us to fly backwards into the guard behind us but that didn't stop us we kept flying till we hit the stairs behind us knocking the guard out.

We Airbend ourselves up so that we are standing again. "Aang you go look for our gliders I'm going to take care of the guys that are on deck so we can escape easier." "Okay be safe see you in a bit." Aang smiles and zooms past me on his air scooter. I run up the stairs and bump into Iroh as I was turning the corner causing us to fall onto the floor. I quickly get up and help him up. "Sorry for bumping into you old man but I've got somewhere to be so don't come onto the ship deck unless you want to fight." I run of into the direction of the exit give Iroh a wave goodbye as he slowly disappears from my vision.

I finally make it on to the deck of the ship and all eyes turn to me. "The Airbender has escaped capture her!" They all circle around me and sent fire towards me but I jump into the air Airbending myself out of there and start fight them knocking one out after the other till all of them where down. I see Aang running toward me with both of our gliders in his hand as he reaches me he throws me my glider and me open them and make a jump for it but we where stopped by Zuko grabbing one of each of our feet pulling us both onto the ship. Out of no where we here a growl. "What is that?" Me and Aang turn to look what made that familiar growl and we both shout. "Appa!"

Zuko send a blast towards me and Aang us using Airbending to defend ourselves we engaged into battle with Zuko at some point he knocked out Aangs glider out of his hand and he continued to send blasts towards Aang finally knocking Aang overboard. I send a powerful blast at Zuko making him fall onto his back I ran toward the edge of the ship and called out Aangs name multiple times. I look into the water and see something shinning and I know that Aang has gone into the Avatar state.

As Aang made his way towards the surface around him a mighty whirlpool of water began to form. Aang was at the centre of a now monstrous inverted tornado which propelled him onto the ship and when he lands he releases it and it expands outward in a shock wave throwing Zuko and some of his men overboard. Aang finally goes out of the Avatar state and falls on his knees wobbling until he falls forward but I catch him just in time before he made contact with the floor. Sokka and Katara rush towards us. "Aang! Are you okay?" Katara asked but Aang only replied in thanks for them coming to rescue us then he remembers that he dropped his glider so Sokka went to get it. I quick pick up Aang bridal style and placed him onto Appa with me waiting for Sokka and Katara to join us so that we can leave. Katara trys to freeze the soldiers in front of her have ever she does the opposite and freezes Sokka who had returned with Aangs glider, Katara having another go at it successfully freezes the soldiers legs, then running towards Appa and get and the saddle.

"Hurry up Sokka!" Katara yells looking over to him. Finally freeing himself he runs up Appa's tail and we set off. While flying away I finally see Iroh come out on the deck and Zuko shouting at his men. In unison Zuko and Iroh launch a massive bolt of fire at Appa Sokka and Katara stares in horror I was about to do something but Aang jumps to the back of the saddle and, using his staff like a baseball bat, Airbends the fire away from us and into the ice cliff that crumbled and fell onto the ship.

Now being safely away from Zuko and his men Katara asked. "How did you do that? With the water? It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen." "I don't know. I just sort of... did it." He was sitting cross legged on the bridge of the saddle with a slight sad expression. "Why didn't you tell us you were the Avatar?" Katara questioned again. "Because... I never wanted to be." "Plus we barely knew you two when we met it's not really a bright idea to just go telling people your the Avatar." I added in to the conversation.

The rest of the conversation kinda went into one ear and went out the other until Aang took out an map. "Here we'll ride the hopping llamas. Then waaaay over here we'll surf on the backs of giant koi fish. Then back over here we'll ride the hog-monkeys. They don't like people riding them, but that's what makes it fun!" He pointed to different parts of the map with a smile on his face. I sigh quietly. "This will definitely be a long journey." I lay my head on Sokkas lap which startled him a bit. "Hey do you mind if I lay her and sleep a bit. We've got quite the journey ahead of us." "N-no I don't mind" He stuttered a bit with a light blush on his face. I just smile in return and close my eyes.

{Word count: 1941}

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