The Siblings In The Iceberg

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The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the blue sky and how pretty today is not to far away from me was Appa in all his glory. I could also hear voices not to far away from me it sounded like my brother and two other people which I already knew where Sokka and Katara remembering the series. "Ughhh I feel like I died and came back to life." I say loud enough so that the others will know that I am there as I get up and walk around the ice I see Aang, Sokka and Katara.

I pick up the pace and go to Aang holding his face in my hand turning it left and right and looking him up and down. "Your okay right? Your not hurt no injuries? We did take quite the fall then I'm not even sure how we ended up in the iceberg." I said worriedly then look at the ice where Appa is and then I turn my head toward the Sokka and Katara I had to make it seam like I don't know them so. "Who are you two and where are we?" "Hi I'm Katara and this is my older brother Sokka nice to meet you." She had a kind smile on her face but her brothers face showed surprise and anger. "Katara don't tell them our names for all we know they can be fire nation spies!"

Ignoring the angry boy I walked toward Katara and held out my hand which she took and we shook hand. "Hi I'm Yuki and that over there is my younger brother Aang." I pointed over to Aang who was standing there trying to hold in a sneeze which he failed and with a loud "AAAAACHOOOO!" He went flying up into the air and then landing safely on the ground. Sokkas face was priceless "You just sneezed... and flew ten feet in the air." "Really? It felt higher that that." I decided to join in and said. "I know that I definitely flew higher than that before." Katara gasped. "You guys are Airbenders." At the same time me and Aang said. "Yeah we are." Sokka couldn't take anymore of all this craziness. "Giant light beams... flying bison... Airbenders... I think I've got Midnight Sun Madness. I'm going home to where stuff makes sense."

Sokka tries to walk away but he notices there isn't anywhere to go so Aang being the sweet spirit he is offers them a ride. "Well, if you guys are stuck Appa and I can give you a lift." Me and Aang Airbended ourselves onto Appa. Katara gladly takes the offer while Sokka is reluctant but realising that he has no other way to get home gets onto Appa. "Okay. First time flyers, hold on tight! Appa, yip yip!" Aang shakes the reigns and Appa makes a low rumble but instead of flying Appa spreads his legs and falls onto the water.

Aang was kinda sad that Appa wasn't flying but Sokka didn't miss the opportunity to rub this into Aangs face. "Wow. That was truly amazing." he said sarcastically. Which Aang replied to. "Appa's just tired. A little rest and he'll be soaring through the sky. You'll see." With his huge smile he then looks at Katara at which she catches him looking at her I mumble quietly under my breath. "Aww my baby brother is in love." I think only Aang heard by accident but he had a light blush on his face. "Yuki stop teasing me I'm not a kid." Which I only reply with a smile to that.

After a long ride on Appa Katara decided to speak up and ask if we knew the Avatar cause we where Airbenders Aang looked at me in silence asking what he should say and I shook my head 'no' I wanted to follow the original plot at this time plus Aang wasn't comfortable with people knowing yet. " We didn't know him... I mean, we knew people that knew him, but we didn't. Sorry."

I swapped with Aang so that he could sleep so now I sat on Appas head and in the back Aang an Katara where sleeping. Sokka was awake since he was paranoid and didn't trust either me or Aang. It was kinda awkward sitting there in silence with him so I spoke up. "So what's the current news. I mean I don't know how long me and Aang where in that iceberg so I'm trying to figure out how long we where in that ice. Plus I kinda want to know how angry the monks are going to be at us for being away for however long we have been away?" I already knew it's been a hundred years but I wanted to play clueless and I have to pretend I don't know what been happening or is going to happen. "What are you talking about the hundred year war still is going on that the current new." Sokka scoffs and turns away from me. I put on my best confused face. "Huh? A hundred year war what, there was never a war. Sure some of the monks talked that there might be one and that the Avatar would have to fight but when me and Aang left the Temple there wasn't a war."

Sokka just looked at me with confusion but as if reality hit him his expression saddened and his voice was low and quite when he spoke his next words. "Yuki I think you and Aang where in that iceberg for a hundred years that's the only explanation on why you don't know about the war." I only turn around not facing him looking into the night sky this was still kinda hard to accept even though I new this was going to happen. I turn back around and face Sokka. "Hey Sokka don't tell Aang okay." He looked shocked and said. "But why? He needs to know." "I know that he needs to know but right now isn't the best time. Everyone we knew is most likely dead and that will crush him so for now let this be our secret. Okay?" I looked hopefully at him to not tell Aang about us being stuck in that iceberg for so long. "Sigh okay fine but you need to tell him at some point." He said while looking away. This was the end of our conversation and we just sat there in silence as we rode on Appa. When we finally made it to the water tribe Sokka showed me where me and Aang where going to stay for the night and I carried Aang and placed him on the bed and laid not to far away from him.

~The Next Day~

Katara woke me up earlier and now I'm waiting outside the house that we slept in waiting for Aang to come out with Katara. Finally they walk out and in front of us was the tribe I just stood there awkwardly as Katara introduced us to them. They just stood there looking at us as weirdly. "Uh... why are they all looking at us like that? Did Appa sneeze on us?" Aang said and then and old lady moved forward she was Gran Gran and said. "Well, no one has seen an Airbender in a hundred years. We thought they were extinct until my granddaughter and grandson found you two." Aang was confused on what Gran Gran meant 'extinct' but that question was unanswered as Katara introduced the old lady as he grandmother. Then Sokka grads Aangs glider and questions what it is and Aang show that it is a glider flying in the air and suddenly when he wasn't paying attention he slammed into Sokkas guard tower.

I decided to take a walk around the tribe looking around since this was my first time seeing the Southern Water Tribe I've been to all the other nations before and met a lot of people like Bumi and Kuzon and I even once went to the Northern Water Tribe but never have I been to this one it was small and there wasn't anything special about it just like I remember from the series but it was still cool to see it in person.

After my long walk it was now evening and I saw Sokka with a bunch toddlers giving them a speech. "Now men, it's important that you show no fear when you face a Firebender. In the Water Tribe, we fight to the last man standing. For without courage, how can we call ourselves men?" Them obviously not paying attention raise there hands and ask if they can go to the toilet which infuriates Sokka so I walk up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry Sokka I think that was a great speak it's just that they are to young to understand what you are talking about." I give him a reassuring smile while he just sighs in defeat.

Giving Sokka a pat on the back I walk toward some of the kids and play with them for most of the time I was doing some of the girls hair as they though I was good at but my skills are mediocre. It's been a couple of hours and I haven't see Aang or Katara for a while and out of no where I see a flare go into the sky and explode. "Oh no here comes trouble." I said to myself. As the whole tribe ran towards Aang and Katara who look exhausted from running all the way here.

{Word Count: 1611}

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