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After years of training I received my master Air bending tattoos and was able to move to the Southern Air Temple where Aang resides and I was also able to introduce myself to him as his older sister which he was excited about as we have met each other before as I have made regular visits to The Southern Air Temple with my teacher in the past and on all of those occasions I played and trained with Aang becoming friends with him but I was not allowed to tell his I was his sister till I got my master tattoos this was a stupid rule that the monks placed when I first met Aang.

Currently in fourteen and Aang is twelve and recently he received his tattoos as well which means that soon Aang Is going to be told about him being the Avatar and he is going to run away and get stuck in that iceberg and I plan to be there with him for every bit of it.

Days Later

I was out and about taking a walk around the Temple when I saw Aang trying to teach some other kids around his age how to do the air scooter that he invented. "First, you form a ball. Then you gotta get on quick." Aang stated creating and air scooter showing the rest of the kid how to do it. He laughs as he moves at terrific speed around the plaza and up and down by a nearby archway as the other kids cheer for him. Some of the other kids try as well asking Aang a few questions here and there.

This scene felt to familiar to my liking and then I saw five elderly Airbender monks not to far away from us and my heart sank when Monk Gyatso said "Aang, come with us. We need to speak with you." This is definitely the day that they tell Aang about being the Avatar. Aang obeys even though he wants to play with the rest of the kids and they walk out of my site. Sighing loudly I walk back to my room that is right next to Aangs and start packing I know that he doesn't leave straight away after he is told that he is the Avatar but I rather be ready I pack a lot of clothes and a couple snacks for me and Aang and some for Appa for later.

Walking back out into the plaza knowing what is about to happen I get ready to cheer my brother up. When I got back to the plaza I saw many Airbender kids playing doing the air scooter and not to long after I saw Aang making his way towards them. "Hey, not bad! You guys have been practising!" Aang said and another boy replied. "Not only that, we made up a game you can play with the air scooters!" Aang looked so excited and ready to join them getting on his air scooter when the kids look at him confused and a bit alarmed. "What's going on?" Asked Aang sadly not know what's going on when one of the boys replied. "Now that you're the Avatar, it's kind of an unfair advantage for whichever team you're on." Aang tried to reason that he is still the same person but the kids did nothing and said it was the only fair way.

"Hey Aang come here!" I shout across the plaza and as soon as Aang realizes that it's me who is calling for him a smile comes up on his face as he runs towards me and gives me a big hug nearly causing me to fall onto the floor this was his use all greeting when he didn't see me for a good while since I didn't play a lot with the other while he did. "Come walk with me." We walked around the Temple for a while Aang told me about his day leaving out what the monks told him so I asked him I already knew what it was they told him but I wanted to know if he would tell me. "So Aang earlier I saw you with some of the other monks and Gyatso walking away what did they want?" I asked smiling at my younger brother he was silent for a while until he spoke up. "They told me I was the Avatar and because of it the other kids don't want to play with me any more." Aang smile fell as he told me he also looked away not looking at me probably thinking I was going to treat him differently as well. "Well you're still my younger adorable brother nothing going to change that." I said swinging my arm around his shoulder giving him a side hug. He looked up at me his eyes wide and they looked like they where sparkling then a huge smile placed it self onto his face.

A Few Days Later

Through the past few day some of the elder monks have been trying to get Aang to train more so that he could become a successful Avatar but at the same time they have been taking away Aangs free time where he could goof around with me and monk Gyatso. I asked monk Gyatso to talk with the elder and he said he would he was going to do so even before I asked him. I knew today was the day that Aang was going to run away so I gave Gyatso a huge hug as he was like a father figure to me and my old teacher nun Nozuma was like a mother figure a couple weeks ago I went to visit her and gave her a hug as well neither of them knew why I was being so affectionate but did not question it.

It was now the evening and it was getting darker with every passing moment I was waiting in my room listening to when Aang would return and start packing after waiting a couple of hour I hear running footsteps and Aangs door opening I knew that is my queue to move. I grad my bag and glider and went to Aangs room quietly opening the door to see him packing a couple of things in a rush and then writing a letter without noticing me in the door way. When he was going to leave through the door he finally sees me standing there looking at him. "Yuki I was ummm..." He was trying to think of a good excuse on what he was doing. I push my bag in front of me so that he can see it. "I'm leaving with you I'm your older sister it's my job to protect you and I had a feeling something like this was going to happen." Aang just looked at me shocked and surprised but then smiled and gives me a hug taking my hand into his leading us out of the Temple and onto Appa.

After many hours of flying through the sky on Appa we where near water and I prepared myself for what was about to happen. Dark clouds started to come in and I moved closer to Aang. Then all hell broke loose rain poured down violently and lighting struck not to far away. Appa started to freak out and Aang lost control. The last few things I remember was hitting the cold water and Aang screaming and then darkness until I saw Aang go into Avatar mode in casing himself, Appa and me into ice.

{Word count: 1270}

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