It's a Cruel, Never-ending Cycle

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"Hey Ayano, can you meet me at the rooftop today, during cleaning time?"

"Yeah, of course. That's our little secret meeting place, dummy." Ayano said dismissively. 

"Okay," Hanako giggled, "I have to tell you something very important, and I don't want anyone overhearing I guess."

Ironic, Taro thought. 

"Yeah sure, is it okay if I come a little late? I have to actually clean the classroom today." 

He snickered. "Teacher's pet." While giving Ayano a friendly punch on the arm.

"Shut up, I'm not a teachers pet. The teacher called me out for not paying attention, and she's making me clean." Ayano groaned, brushing Hanako off. 

 "Nice one, loser. Anyways, that's okay. I'll just be waiting." Hanako smiled while packing up his empty bento box lunch school books from the rim of the fountain. 

As they were making friendly banter towards each other, and cleaning up their items from the fountain, Taro looked up at the rooftop in deep thought. 

"The rooftop, you say?" He whispered to himself, deviously. 


As the day went by, he was devising his plan, step by step, detail for detail. It would be perfect, there would be no mistakes, as usual. Taro would just simply give Hanako a small push off the rooftop, and conceal his body in a trash bag to incinerate. He would push Hanako before Ayano even got to the rooftop, making her think Hanako simply just forgot. The delinquents were most likely going to skip school to go and vandalize some cars by cleaning time, so no one would notice the body falling off the rooftop. He had already planted a box of disposable garbage bags near where he planned Hanako's death. 

Now, was to just wait. 

After an hour of boring algebra he couldn't give two shits about, the heavenly sound of the school bell rang. Students packed up their stuff, shoving them into the backpacks, and headed towards the closets to pick up cleaning supplies. In the corner of his eye he noticed Ayano heading towards the first floor stairs, grudgingly and groaning. He slightly smiled, immediately walking fast paced for the rooftop stairs. It was the time, time for God to accept another being into the afterlife. 

Sighing contently, he breathed in the fresh air while opening the doors to the rooftops. The air was especially cold today, wind rushing through his hair violently. Squinting his eyes to prevent air from drying them out, he made a beeline towards a secluded place behind a vent. There were two places, that could be Ayano and Hanako's "secret meeting place." The area behind the vent, and a bench, on the far side of the rooftop no one ever went to. He thought the first option, since it was way more secluded on terms of visibility. 

Reaching the vent, he started to walk more quietly. The vent was rumbling at a very content pace, drowning out the sound of his footsteps even more. He pressed his back to the outer side of the vent, listening for any signs of Hanako. 

"I'm scared.. Should I even tell Ayano this?" Someone mumbled, curiously. "Yeah, it's for the best." 

Bingo, Taro thought to himself, with a sick smile. The opportunity could not be any more perfect. He stood up more naturally, and started towards the back of the vent. Immediately, he was met with the short little boy, facing the wall away from Taro. He was clutching a letter of a sort, crinkled with signs of nervous gripping. Slowly, he brought his hands over Hanako's shoulders. 

Taro gripped down menacingly, and jerked his shoulders over the railing in a quick motion. The little boy screeched in fear as an instinct, the shrill high pitched sound piercing his ears. Taro used a hand to cover his mouth, while using his other arm to shove him into the railing forcefully.  Tears were streaming down Hanako's face, drenching his hand with the warm drops of water. He could feel the vibration of Hanako mumbling in fear, and the struggle diminished to nothing. 

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