Emotional Backstory | Pink

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Lucky: heh, Pink?

Pink: aw no-

Lucky: I think you know what this one is...

Pink: *begins nervously laughing*

Brown: no no no, not again...

Pink: I'm.... okay.....

Rose: what do you mean, 'not again'?

Lime: don't worry, I think it'll all get explained

Lucky: yup, it sure will.

Pink: just.... read out the question. Quick.


Green: well, Potato is quite eager to know...

Emerald: I've never seen anyone that keen to ask a question.

Pink: likewise. *groans* I almost told Green once, then accidentally told Brown half of it, and now I have to fully explain it to EVERYONE. Just my luck.

Green: it won't be bad anyway.... you had a great childhood. As I said earlier, privileged pl-


Green: or you'll what?!

Pink: I.....

Green: *smirks*

Orange: *whispers to Pink* breathe...

Red: this is my sole reason for existence.

Lucky: let's get started before anyone gets murdered, okay?

Pink: *flinches slightly*

Blue: *noticing this* omg... this is going to be pretty dark, isn't it?

Orange: *
Brown: yeah.... it is....

Pink: and you haven't even heard half of it.

Rose: I haven't heard ANY of it!! :<

Pink: *sighs* I didn't want you to know because it's.... not great. And I'm not proud of my past.


Cyan: *elbows Green* just let him tell it

Teal: *moves closer to her mother, hugging her arm* I'm scared-

Pink: so where do I start? I was... a normal child.

Black: just a quick question: what defines normal? Because-

Red: Not the time~

Black: ah....... please continue. I apologise.

Pink: sure. I was only about Rose's age when my mother.... passed away...

Lemon: wait.... one of the adults know how we feel?!

Indigo: woah....

Coal: but he's mean, surely if he knew what it felt like then he would be kinder to people?

Black: *cough cough* Coal, don't say things like that

Coal: Sorry 😐

Pink: but she didn't just pass away.

Chocolate: *jumps up* GHOSTS?!

Pink: no, I mean that... she didn't die of natural causes. She was..... *wipes tears away quickly*

Orange: *comfortingly hugs Pink*

Pink: *voice breaks* murdered...

Rose: *whispers to Peach* how come I never knew this?!

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