April Fools?

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A/N: i should have uploaded this on april fools day rip

April Fools Day.

It was a day Kokichi absolutely thrived on.
Shuichi found it interesting that he was so hyper active for one day. He would prank a wide amount of people with a wide variety of pranks, he must have been planning it for weeks beforehand. Maybe even months!

Like last year, he pranked the entire class, along with other people that were younger and older, each with a different prank, and each at different times.He managed to do it all within the school day! And he didn't stop after school either.

For Shuichi, he gave him chocolate. He seemed set on giving it to him in the morning, not letting Shuichi deny the offer. And since it was April Fools Day it led Shuichi to believe that it was made with something..weird.

But later on, he got curious and tried it, just to find out it wasn't weird at all! It was just regular chocolate! Not only was it regular chocolate, it was his favorite chocolate!

It was kind of a nice prank. Especially since it meant Kokichi remembered his favorite chocolate.

And not all of his pranks were nice, but the ones he pulled on Shuichi seemed to be. And so were the ones he pulled on people he didn't know, the ones who could potentially be more easily aggravated by his antics.

Strangely, sometimes it worked for him. He got a lot of...allies that way who either laughed off the pranks or vowed to get him back.
But he also got some intense enemies, the ones who thought any attempt of a prank or joke at all was annoying. A few of them ended up hurting Kokichi one year, and Shuichi was the one to patch him up.

Though his regular pranks without any limitations weren't exactly cruel either. Just irritating.
Throughout the time Shuichi knew him, he had learned that he didn't actually like being cruel, he more so just pretended he did. It was this mask that he wore. And he refused to take it down.

...Shuichi had only seen his mask completely off on really rare occasions. Most times it was a mistake, Kokichi didn't like him seeing him that way. No matter how much Shuichi assured him that he liked him like that.

Still, they had been friends for a while now, becoming close since the first month of school. And Shuichi's probably the only person in the school Kokichi's genuinely close to. He was the only one to get to witness when his mask slips.

It was an honor, honestly! Shuichi loved hanging out with him. It was always fun, it was always interesting. Kokichi made sure that their meetings were never boring, even if they were just sitting and talking.

Shuichi didn't think it would be this way when he first met him, but Kokichi was... different!

He wasn't the person everyone made him out to be. Yeah, he was still annoying, but that wasn't his entire personality! He was a lot more, he was smart, he was funny, he was interesting,he was even... sweet sometimes.

And Shuichi kind of fell in...love.

He's never fallen in love before! He didn't even know that's what he was feeling until one day, the silence was a little too prominent between them and suddenly he realized how close they were sitting to each other and Kokichi just turned to him and smiled and-

He was smitten from that moment on.

It was a a stereotypical crush, one filled with blushing and heart eyes. One time, he wrote a poem to express his feelings.

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