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I watched in slow motion as Donghyuns gaze moved to me. The smile slipped from his face and he froze. I could see the years of memories both of us were trying so hard to forget flash through his mind. Just like they were doing in mine. 

I didn't really take in what I was doing, I felt my self standing, bumping my knee on the table and practically straddling Mingi to get out from the table. I could hear someone yell my name, whether that was Donghyun or someone else I couldn't tell. I didn't care. 

well maybe I did just a little.

I ran outside, the night was cold, crisp. I liked it that way. It gave me something else to think about.

I felt someone grab my shoulder and yank me around. It was Donghyun, anger was in his face, God knows what was in his heart. Donghyun had never hurt me while were dating, but I couldn't help but feel scared by the look on his face. He looked like he wanted to murder me.

"Wooyoung," he gasped out of breath.

"Leave me alone," I turned to keep walking, but he grabbed my wrist so I couldn't leave.

"Let me go,"

"What are you doing here? with all these people?"

"Where should I be? Crying at home? Licking my wounds? I'm glad you aren't in my life anymore."

"we both know that's a fucking lie,"

"Your one to talk, whos the new guy? Five years must not mean a whole lot to you," now I was starting to get angry. 

"His names Alex, he's nice, he makes time for me. Not like you ever did. You and your stupid ass schedules," I couldn't help it, It made me seem insane but I got right up in his face and laughed at him.

"So we break up and you start going out with some guy named Alex?! Alex? that's ridiculous. I know your trying to make me jealous or something but I'd never stoop so low to be jealous of some guy named fucking Alex," 

"Why are you always like this?!" he shouted, he kept squeezing my wrist harder and harder. 

"Well Donghyun, no matter what his name is. I know you think about me when you touch him. I know when you lay next to him, you can't sleep because his heart beats differently," I shoved my finger into his chest.

"And I know for a fact, that you know, that he will never make you scream the way I did. and I know that drives you fucking insane,"

"Shut up," I smirked at him in anger, I could feel the vain in my neck bulging out. 

"I'm not loosing any sleep over you bitch. It's not like I could sleep when you were around anyway," I yanked my wrist out of his grip, I could feel his nails scraping against me as I did. It stung but I didn't show it. I could barely feel it either.

Then I ran away. 

I knew he wouldn't chase me. another thing I knew was that I had missed my bus, I was going to have to find another way home. I ran for what seemed like an hour but was probably only a few minutes when I found a park. I walked in, finding a bench to sit on.

I didn't cry. 

"Wooyoung!" I turned to see San and Yeosang run up. 

"What happened? we thought that guy had kidnapped you!" Yeosang gushed running up to me. San walked up a little slower, his gaze curious. 

"Who was he?"

"No one," I said, putting a composed expression on my face. I didn't know these people well enough to tell them anything about my personal life. 

"Are you okay?" San asked quietly. I looked at him coldly.

"I'm fine," 

"Do you need us to call you a taxi?" 

"It's okay, I can do it," in reality I didn't have enough money on me to pay for a taxi. I could walk.

"My car is at the office, I can drive you home," It was San, And the way he said it made it seem more like a command than a suggestion. I didn't want to, but the idea of walking all that away alone at night, honestly scared me. 

"Fine," He raised an eyebrow at me, almost like he didn't believe me. 

"well okay, if your fine with that," Yeosang nodded at us. 

"See you two tomorrow," he waved at us, going on his way.

Leaving the two of us. 

alone together. 

I hate you (except I don't) //Woosan ffWhere stories live. Discover now