Chapter 13: ..The right choice?

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"I LEGALLY ADOPTED ERROR!" Destiny squealed.

"Now that 'mAmA nOotmAre' can't have him! MUHAHAHHAHAHA!" Destiny laughed like a villain.

"Shut up Destiny. You have been screaming in here for an hour." Fate spoke, annoyed with Destiny's screaming.

"Shut up Fate. You screeched like 'mAmA nOotmAre' when we captured them." Destiny looked at her sister.

"It was freedom. I don't know why do you hate Nightmare so much? You can both be Error's mom if you guys want." Fate said.

"I don't want to share MY SON. Hmph." Destiny pouted.

"OMG! Did you hear that? I called him my son! EEEEEKKK!" Destiny went back to squealing.

Every deity there facepalmed.

"I'm so proud of my son (Nightmare) - *sniff* and maybe Dream too- well this time-" Feelings fake cried but went back to her neutral expression with the mention of Dream.

"Aight. I have officially confirmed all of you have problems." Karma spoke.

"Shut up Karma. Don't be a hypocrite." Everyone except Karma spoke.

"Oh well. Back to re-watching Naruto then." Karma spoke and left the DeityVoid. He probably went back to his room to be a couch potato again.

"What do you guys think of me adopting Killer too?" Void asked. Killer is a cute bean and Void would love to be their parent. Oooh! They can maybe stay in a castle of their own full of Bunnies too!

"Nope! He's my sort-of Grandson now. I'll give him more bunnies that you can." Feelings said, knowing what Void is probably thinking of.

"Come on-! Fine. You can have him." Void said in frustration.

 ───※ ·❆· ※───

"Nightmare! I can contact you again!" Feelings spoke to Nightmare using her mind in the Dreamscape.

"Mom?" Nightmare replied.

"I'll give you all a castle nearby and it would be only for Killer... and his bunnies." Feelings spoke.

"I don't like where this is going.. You probably favor Killer over the others so you're doing this right?" Nightmare spoke.

"You know that your favorite is Killer too. Don't judge me." Feelings said.

 ───※ ·❆· ※───

Nightmare got out of the Dreamscape and called the others.

Error and Ink are in the Anti-Void, busy talking about the truce. So they can't join them.

The three are back at the garden, probably pulling more veggies for Killer's bunnies.

"Kills! Your Grandma has a present for you! Look out of the window!" Nightmare happily said.

"Oooh! Can 'Mr. Carrot' see it too?" Killer asked from the other room.

"Sure!" Nightmare repiled.

"Dust, Horror, come here." Nightmare shouted.

"Y-Yes mom?" They both said, nervous they did something bad.

They all look  towards the window, seeing a castle.

"Oooh! That's mine?" Killer pointed to the castle half the size as Nightmare's.

"Yes. Grandma gave it to you for you and your bunnies! So now you can have more bunnies!" Nightmare spoke.

Killer squealed in happiness.

'More bunnies = More work' Dust and Horror both thought.

They both fainted in realisation.

Killer was always Nightmare's favorite.

───※ ·❆· ※───

"..Did I make the right choice?"


"..I don't think they can change."

"Why would you say that? Everyone deserves a second chance!"

"Change... They won't."

"Choice... They will."

"They won't. And you will regret it."

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