Chapter 3: The Battle Against Slipknot

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It was 2021 and it was summer, in July more or less, and Imagine Dragons went to NOS Alive in Lisbon, with my luck the psychopaths from the last book were not arrested and went to NOS Alive as well.  What for?  To do shit and end me and the Imagine Dragons again!  As expected, my friends and I went with our parents' permission of course!  And of course Now United was going to be there too!

The Imagine Dragons and demons concert, that is to say Slipknot was scheduled for the next day, but at completely different times.  So, as my friends and I knew Imagine Dragons personally, we asked the security guard to let us go to them, as if we were divas.

- Can we go see the Imagine Dragons?  - I asked the security guard.

- What a question, of course not!  - replied the security guard.

- But we know them personally, if you want to ask them!  - said Ana

- Is that so?!?!  And I know the Queen of England personally!  - continued the security guard not to let us go to see the Imagine Dragons - Listen, go upset your parents!

Suddenly Imagine Dragons appear attracted by the noise.

- What's up?  asked Platzman

- This security guard was not letting us see you in person!  Well, now it’s no longer necessary, they are right in front of us.  - I replied

- Let there be security, after all we love to interact personally with our fans - said Dan

- But they were lying!  - said the security guard

- About what?  - asked Wayne

- About getting to know you personally

- But that's true!  - Dan laughed

- Wait ... is it really true?!?!

- Yea!  My parents didn't teach me how to lie, after all if my mother saw me lying I was already taking it in my face!  - I replied

- So I'm sorry!

- So the weak returned!  - the psychopathic devil intervened in the conversation, meaning Corey

- What do you want this time Corey?  - I asked

- Well, I think I have to leave you alone, it seems that they have matters to resolve.  - said the security guard leaving them alone with the Slipknot.

Meanwhile Corey was almost pushing us to the middle of the field where the fans would be.

- I asked you a question Corey, what do you want this time?  - I asked impatiently

- Oh nothing, I was just saying that the weak have returned.

- I already told you that we are not weak!  And unlike you, we are not cowards!  - Dan said almost raising his voice

- Look out!  Do not irritate the sensitive child!  Admit Dan you're weak!  Your fans can easily abandon you.  And now what are you going to do?  - said the insane ... I mean Corey

Unfortunately Dan was on a different day, he was sadder that day, so he turned back to look at the sad floor.  Corey was only making his depression worse (Dan Reynolds).

- Dan!  Wait!  exclaimed Platzman

So we turned our backs on Slipknot to try to cheer up Dan.

- You know he's not right!  You are strong, you are a strong man and our fans would not leave us that easily.  - Ben was trying to cheer up Dan.

When I turned my back and I was about to go after them to try to cheer Dan up too, the weak mint- Corey, pulled me by the sweater and raised his arm, lifting me up the back of my shirt.

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