Chapter 11

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I Get Discovered

Harry POV

As morning came, I was started out of my thoughts. A series of deafening bangs echoed through the 'house' as the Dursleys ran into the room.

I peeled my eyes off of the door, which was where the sound was coming from and instead directed them to the gun which Vernon had somehow gotten hold of. I scanned the room as the knocking continued. Percy was wide awake - alert. His hand moved towards his pocket as it often did when he was nervous.

This was admittedly rare. He always appeared to know what was going on and be calm enough to cope.

Suddenly, the door was knocked down. A large figure came into view as the storm raged outside. I couldn't see many details as it was still dark but the man (if he even was a man) was huge! He had to duck down to fit through the doorway as he approached!

"Who are you?" Percy questioned much calmer than he should have been, just as our Uncle shouted:

"You are breaking and entering! Get out before I call the police! I have a gun and I'm not afraid to use it!" The giant didn't even waver; instead he walked further inside (After fixing the door). I could see him more clearly now.

He had a dark bushy mane that really needed to be brushed, a beard much like his hair, a large coat which covered his big stomach and solid boots which made a loud 'Bang' each time they touched the floor. His trousers, which were flecked with dust, looked as though they were made specifically for long hikes. His long coat, which swept the floor as he made his way towards me, seemed to be made only of pockets. He had a bold belt around his waist which partly covered his dark red shirt. It was dirty, like the rest of his outfit, but not in a bad way. If anything it was more of a I'm-not-afraid-to-get-down-on-my-knees-and-work kind of look.

"Couldn't make us a cuppa' tea, could ya? 'Ts been a long journey..."

He strode over to the worn couch, which was placed in front of the fire.

Well- it wasn't a fire, just a pile of burnt crisp packets.

"Move over ya great lump." The stranger said to Dudley, as the large buy scurried away.

He looked around the hut, clearly searching for something - or someone. I felt my heartbeat quicken. He didn't act dangerous, but he was larger than the tallest human alive - I was sure. He turned to me with a slight twinkle in his eyes, and spoke:

"Ahh, 'Arry! Long time n' see!" I furrowed my brown. I was sure I'd never seen the man before.

"He doesn't know who you are, Hagrid." Sounded my twin's voice. I whipped my head around, as did 'Hagrid'. Percy was standing in the corner, leaning on the wall, not seeming to mind he was getting his shirt dirty. "He doesn't remember."

I furrowed my brow further. What was he talking about? How did he know the stranger? What didn't I remember?

I opened my mouth, ready to ask the questions that lay on the tip of my tongue.

"He doesn't know."

He said it so quietly, a pin dropping would have been louder, but everyone heard nonetheless.

Hagrid's eyes widened to the size of basketball. He started shaking as he clenched his fists. He rounded on my uncle, aunt and cousin.

"WHAT?!" The one word rang through the hut, louder than the storm that was raging outside. I imagined mini hurricanes in his eyes, much like Percy's when he got mad.

"Ya didn't tell 'im!? He bellowed, quieter this time as if he was trying to calm himself.

"We ain't having any of it. The scum! We vowed to get rid of it!" Stronger men would have turned and fled, yet Vernon appeared to be confident in his weapon, he pointed it at the giant.

Percy Jackson And The Fates Who Undeniably Hate Him. (PJOxHP)Where stories live. Discover now