-Concert surprise-

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Nobody's pov

Cat brought Sam on her Moonlight tour, the two have been together for 4 years and has been public with their relationship already. Cat got out of the tour bus's bathroom to see Sam on the bottom part of the bunk bed, she plopped on Sam's chest. "This is your last show for your tour, how do you feel?" the blonde hugged her girlfriend, she's been showing her soft side for Cat alot more since she's been planning to pop the question on her last song.
(I named it Moonlight tour so I won't get copyrighted with the tour)

"Excited! Thank you for coming with me to the tour Sammy!" Cat smiled widely, "No prob little re- well.. I can't really call you little red anymore since you dyed your hair to brown" Sam ran her fingers through Cat's hair, "I'll just call you kit Cat.. get it?" she chuckled, Cat tilted her head and paused, after 5 seconds she laughed and got the joke. "You really are different when you perform" Sam uttered, Cat nods.

"Cat.... do you um... do you ever think about us.. in the next years?" Sam asked, "Always! Like our next date, oh and buy a house together because we're 26 now and still in that apartment, get a cute little dog and uh name it um... name it Toulouse!" Cat daydreamed, "That sounds great" Sam kissed Cat, she smiled while in the kiss. After 17 seconds they pulled away.

-At the hotel-

The two get in their room, there was a nice bathroom, 1 bed, a balcony, a big window, two single couches, a desk and chair, a round glass table, and a flat screen tv. It's a big room. Sam took off her shoes and plopped on the bed, Cat plopped beside her "Wanna have dinner out later?" she asked as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend, "Alright, but I kinda wanna rest first since we just arrived here" Sam replied "Kay Kay!" Cat nods.

Hours later, they were walking to the restaurant. Paparazzi showed up but the two girls just ignored them, though they did answer some questions. Both of them got in the restaurant and ordered their food, they were staying at a booth "Sam... can you promise me something please?" Cat looked at Sam, "Shoot" the blonde nods "Can you promise me to never leave my side ever?" the now brunette asked "Duh, yes I can promise that" Sam answered "Just don't touch my fried chicken stash and I won't touch your bibble stash" she added, Cat giggled.

-The day of the concert-

Sam was with Cat in her dressing room, "Will you stay in the crowd?" she asked "Nah, I'm just going to watch from backstage" Sam shook her head. The two walked underneath the stage to the stage lift so that Cat will appear from below, "Goodluck" Sam said, Cat hugged Sam tightly and kissed her for 5 seconds. 

Jade, Tori, and Andre are also in the tour but they won't perform though Andre is part of the band that's playing Cat's songs. "You ready for it?" Tori asked "Yeah I am. I'll do it at the 2nd to the last song though. I already told the sound crew and band on my plan so let's just hope it goes well" Sam hoped, they heard the crowd cheer loudly and Cat started to sing. "She really does change her personality when she performs, like a less giggly and more badass" Jade implied, "True" Sam nods.

After some songs, Cat ran backstage to quick change. Sam was talking to Jade at the halls backstage "Sammy! I need to quick change but I just need a hug" Cat ran to her girlfriend, Sam hugged her "You're doing amazing... but... you're kinda sweaty so um, thanks for spreading it on me" she said sarcastically, Cat giggled and pecked her lips. She waved and went to quick change.

-2nd to the last song-

Tattooed Heart started playing, Cat was confused. The real song was supposed to be break free. She just took it and started singing the song.

You don't need a lot of money
Honey, you don't have to play no games
All I need is all your loving
To get the blood rushing through my veins
I wanna say we're going steady
Like it's 1954,
It doesn't have to be forever
Just as long as I'm the name
On your tattooed heart

Tattooed heart
Tattooed heart
Tattooed heart
Tattooed heart
Tattooed heart
Tattooed heart

You don't need to worry about making me crazy
'Cause I'm way past that
Eh, and so just call me, if you want me
'Cause you got me, and I'll show you, how much I wanna be
On your tattooed heart

Tattooed heart
Tattooed heart-

Sam sneaked from behind Cat, the crowd was cheering. She hugged Cat, the brunette squeaked and laughed. Sam took out a small box, she also had a mic "Cat Valentine... will you marry me?" she asked. The fans were all cheering, the stadium was louder. Cat's tears fought its way out of her eyes, the music was still playing but there was no vocals. "Yes yes yes!" she said with her mic, she nods. Sam slipped the ring on Cat's finger and hugged her, Cat hugged back.

After the concert, Sam and Cat arrived back to the hotel. Everyone was tired, Cat was ready for bed and so was Sam. "I love you" Cat said to Sam as the two got into bed, "Love you too" Sam smiled.

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