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That house was terribly awful. It looked like it could fall at any moment. The plants around it had been reduced to ashes and the windows were, surprisingly, in good condition, although they were absolutely dirty. It had two floors and, as soon as we set foot on the porch, it ranged like in a horror movie.

Kind of scary.

We entered the house and, clearly, everything was dark. It would be stupid to think that it wouldn't be since it was the middle of the night and we were in the middle of the woods. We could have gone during the day, we would have more visibility, but no. Michael Clifford, Violet Dubois and David Jarvis decided it would be funnier at night. It was not my fault that they were adventurous and that they loved horror movies and true crime documentaries. Who didn't, right? Plus, Michael was, perhaps, bipolar. The day before, he was scared and, at the moment, he was fine. I could've said he smoked before we went there, and the day before drugs scared him. Maybe yesterday he was hallucinating. Michael needs to slow down on the drugs if I was wholly honest.

Inside, the house was completely dirty and destroyed, with crystals and debris on the floor. We could see the kitchen on one side and the living room on the other. In the middle was a piano and a staircase at the bottom, leading to the second floor, which we couldn't see. On each side of the stairs was a door.

"Now, this is fun," Violet said and laughed as soon as we entered the house.

"Fuck, what did I just step on?" Marcia didn't move, making a disgusted face. Michael pointed the flashlight of his phone to Marcia.

"Oh shit, you just step on... Well, shit." David laughed.

"How did you step on yourself, Marcia?" Serena whispered to herself a little too loud. No one liked Marcia. They all hated her. I couldn't say I loved her, though. Even If she was at all times nice to me, she was a little bitchy to the others.

"Why is this in the middle of the room?" she complained. "How am I going to clean this?"

We heard a chord coming from the piano and screams were heard around the house. Our screams. As soon as we pointed the flashlights to the piano, we saw Luke with his hands on it.

"My bad," he said.

"Dammit, Luke." Violet breaths heavily. "I almost shit myself."

"I think Marcia did it." David joked and Marcia punched him on the arm.

The door slammed shut tightly behind Violet and she screamed just like everyone else, grabbing Skyler's arm as Skyler garbed Violet's. Serena tried to open the door, but failed. Luke tried too, but the same happened.

"What the hell?!" Marcia yelled.

"The door is freaking locked!" Calum protested.

"Don't be freaking pussies," Michael laughed and opened the door, making a lot of strength. "It's an old door."

"But who closed it?" Skyler asked, still hugging Violet.

"Let me guess, I don't know, maybe... The wind," Michael joked and let go the door that closed once more due to the wind. "Or, perhaps, the old couple spirits," Michael said, making a creepy voice.

"Maybe the spirits are going to kills us," I commented, joking.

"This house is so creepy," Marcia claimed.

"I warned you not to come," David said.

David walked into one of the doors on the opposite side of the house, the one door that was broken, with a hole, as if someone broken it with an axe or with a similar tool. He entered the room, more precisely, entered the bathroom. He closed the door and put his head in the hole, looking at us.

"Look guys," he laughed. "Here's Johnny!"

"Someone has been playing The Shinning." Michael grabbed an axe that he found on the floor.

"Fuck." Luke complained as soon as he entered the bathroom. "It smells like shit. Marcia, move away a little bit, people are trying to breathe."

"Shut up, it does not smell!" she complained back. "I'm taking off this shoe."

"It's better not, you might step on glass," I explained.

"Or more shit," Violet joked.

Luke came out of the bathroom that was completely dirty and moved to the other door, opening it. He pointed his flashlight, and we saw a ladder. A basement," Luke laughed. "It's never good."

The stairs were not in a very good condition, so we decided to go one by one. Marcia went ahead and we were all waiting at the door when we heard something falling with a strange background noise.

"Marcia?" Michael asked. "Marcia!"

She didn't respond. Someone pointed their flashlight, and we were all able to see Marcia lying on the floor. "Marcia!" I yelled and Michael ran to her with me. The others, frightened, stayed where they were.

"What the heck happened?!" Luke yelled to us.

"Marcia," I called her. "Marcia, please, wake up."

"Marcia!" Michael moved her body. There is a hole in her head.

"That's a, a bu-, bullet," I hesitated. "Fuck."

There was someone else on that basement. And shot Marcia. My instinct was to run and that's what I did, back to my friends. I called Michael, but he didn't move and kept looking at Marcia. At Marcia's corpse. He looked listlessly at the dead body.

"Michael, please!" Violet called him, crying, while Luke tried to calm her down by hugging her.

"There's no one in here!" he yelled back.

"You don't know, Michael. Come back!" Luke demanded.

"Marcia's dead?!" Skyler yelled in shock. "What the fuck happened?!"

"We must leave this house. Now!" Luke tried opening the front door and failed. "What?" And kept trying. "Someone help me!"

"It's freaking locked!" Michael tried to help him, but was unsuccessful too.

"Where's the axe?" Violet, who was now next to the bathroom, asked. "It was here, right?"

"Fuck!" David took off his cap and ran his hands through his hair.

"We can break the windows," Calum said and Michael ran to Violet, who was alone.

I don't know what was happening, however, I wanted to leave. That was freaking nuts. Marcia was dead. Marcia was murdered. Someone killed Marcia and we were going to be the next ones if we stayed there. We needed to leave that house as fast as possible. 

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