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David was still on the floor, trying to assume everything. Michael went around the basement, thinking. Violet was sitting on the floor, away from David, clutching her knees, crying, whilst I was on my feet, just waiting for everyone.

I wanted to leave that basement, look for Serena and leave that house. I didn't want to stay there, fighting for my life when my twin sister and my best friends didn't had the chance to do it.

"Fuck!" Violet screamed as she got up, going around the basement.

"What is it, love?" I tried to approach her, however, Violet turned away upset.

"Stop calling me fucking love," she groaned. "I can't do this anymore!" she yelled, sitting in the corner of the basement. Michael ran to her. "Michael, I can't do this, please. Take me home, I can't do this anymore, please."

"V, there's nothing I can do." Michael put his hand on her cheek. "We will find a way to leave, OK?"

"Violet." I called her, approaching once more. "Michael's right. We will leave."

"We won't, Luke, we won't." She kept crying. "We're fucking doomed and no one is getting out of here. We won't."

David got up, fixing his t-shirt and cleaning his pants. He took his cap off and put it back on. "We can't freak out right now, V. Violet." He looked around. "Let's find Serena and leave this place."

"It's not worth it, David." Violet looks at him. "I'm so sorry. For everything, David."

"Not now, Violet." David warned, leaving me confused, but to focused and dejected to ask.

"We are all going to die," she muttered.

"Stop it! Now!" Michael yelled, clearly upset. "We are going to be fine, V. Stop being such a stupid girl and don't ruin everything with your negativity!"

"I'm sorry." Violet observed her sneakers with blood.

"You didn't need to say that," I said. "She's nervous, we all are, there is no need to attack anyone."

"Whatever." Michael rolled his eyes. "Let's find S. Be careful with the stairs, don't activate the fucking bullet machine."

I grabbed Violet's hand and the four of us left together. We passed through the kitchen and the living room, through Ashton's dead body, still in a pool of blood, with a bloody scissor stuck precisely in the main vein.

We climbed the stairs calmly without making much noise, not finding Calum's corpse. Looking confused at each other, we kept going. One of the previously closed doors was now just leaning.

I was on the front, so I was the one that was going in. With a knife in my hand, I opened the door slightly, seeing only myself what was inside. I didn't want to believe what I was seeing, although, I couldn't deny it because I promised that I would get us out of there, and, at that moment, I could only keep that promise to three people.

Serena was hanging from the ceiling, held by her wrists, with her eyes closed. Her head, being heavy, laid down and her bloody body swayed slightly without touching the ground with her feet. Throughout her length, deep cuts mark her dark brown skin.

I closed the door quickly after such an unforgettable view, leaning against it with a heavy breath.

"What is it?" worried, David questioned.

"We can't go in there." I couldn't stop breathing heavily. My head and my chest were hurting.

"What is it, Luke?" David tried to take me out of the way, but I refused. "Is Serena, isn't it? Luke, answer me! Luke! Is it Serena?!"

"Yes!" I yelled as well. "But I won't let you see her like this."

"Let me see, Luke. Please."

"David, hear me." I put one hand on his cheek. "Please, for fuck sakes, and for yours, don't see what's behind this door."

"Luke, let him see it."

"Michael, no. You didn't see what I saw, and I don't want any of you to see what's right there."

"Please." David looked at me like a lost puppy.

"It's so awful, David," I said calmly.

"It's fine, I can handle it."

Finally, I stepped out of the door, David took a deep breath and put his hand on the handle. Violet held Michael's arm. David opened the door. Michael didn't move, only looked away while David's knees met the floor. Violet got scared and gasped, running away from Michael and clinging to my torso, hugging me and hiding her face. They all saw the bloody scene. Michael closed the door and helped David getting up. He grabbed his face with both hands, looking at him right in the eyes.

"We are going to leave this place." Michael didn't stop looking at him, eyes with eyes. "Say it."

"I don't want to leave without her."

"Say it!"

"I can't!"

"Say it, David!" Michael hit David in the face.

"Michael, what the fuck! Stop!" I yelled.

"No! You warned him that he shouldn't see it! Now he's in shock! I knew this would happen!"

"Can you blame him?!" I got mad. "It's her fucking girlfriend, dude! Stop being a jerk!"

"David, get back on your feet, only for a moment so we can leave, OK?" Violet asked.

David nodded.

There was another door we hadn't look inside. I opened it and it was an enormous bathroom. I looked on the bathtub and no one was in that place. Violet and David got in and we started looking for things that might be useful.

"Michael?" I called him. "Michael." I kept calling him. "Where's Michael?"

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