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TAEHYUNG OPENED HIS EYES as his view came to the hues of oranges red and yellow. The sun was setting right now as the seagulls called out, flying and finding a place to rest for the night. 

The boy looked around and saw he was high above the ground. He was on a man-made boulder which was made by wooden strong sticks. Taehyung didn't knew why he was here but everything looked really familiar for a reason.

It felt familiar to him yet so unfamiliar. As if he knew this place by heart but yet he didn't. 

He looked forward and saw someone sitting at the edge. His orange cardigan which looked darker for the less exposure of light, was staring at Taehyung. His shoulders were broad and head was down low. Legs were dangling off the edge but he sat at a safe distance so he wouldn't fell off. And in front of them was the vast sea.

Taehyung smiled. 

Slowly stepping towards the other boy (He didn't wanna fall down from this height so), he sat beside him and stared at the sun setting under the blanket of water. He turned to his side, the big goofy smile still evident on his dorky face. 

Seokjin sat with his shoulders slumped and elbows on his thighs hung loosely. He stared at the horizon as if he was thinking something really deep. He looked tired. Really tired. There were dark bags under his big eyes as he looked really pale. 

Taehyung was surprised to see this side of Seokjin. He normally was the one who was mature and endured everything with a smile. It was the first time he looked this sad. 

Taehyung looked at his friend as a wave of emotions washed through him. Silently, he kept his right hand on the other boy's shoulders to give him comfort and company. 

But as soon as it seems to come in contact, Seokjin shrugged off in a really cold and harsh way. This time, Taehyung saw frustrations in his eyes. Seokjin went back to his old state again as Taehyung remained silent. He sat back and watched the sunset and felt the breeze of air. 

And then he woke up.


"To live would be more painful than to die, do you still want to live then?"


Jungkook stared at the waves splashing on the rocks of the shore as the breeze now calmed down a bit, but the coldness was still there. He was sitting on the cold sand with his arms hugging his knees. 

It was quiet. A bit too quiet. It was the longest silence they ever had to be honest. At least one of them would speak or even hum something. But no, no one dared to even make a sound. The only sounds were the waves hitting the shore. Other than that, there was nothing.  The young male pulled his knees more closer to him as the coldness bit his skin. 

But then suddenly, a voice made him get goosebumps. 


The maknae blinked his doe eyes as his head jerked off to the sound after the next second passed by. He squinted his eyes in the darkness to see where the sound came from.


He again followed the sound and finally his landed on the source of the sound. A grey tail and two triangular ears is what he first processed. And then realization came to him.

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