The Meeting

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Skylar woke up on Monday Feeling Like Throwing Up. She Had Gotten Little Sleep The Night Before, Thinking About The Door. The Thought Of Kenzie Leaving Her Forever Made Her Stomach Feel Empty. Skylar Brushed Her Teeth, Changed Her Clothes And Walked Downstairs.

" Do We Have Sunscreen? Snacks? Batteries?" Mrs. Willson  Packed Fruit Snacks In A Bag. "Claire, We're Only In The Woods For A Day. Relax." Oliver Took His Toast Out Of The Toaster. " You're Going To The Forest?" Skylar Asked Worriedly. " Oh, No. Your Father And I Are Going Down to The Forest By The Countryside With The ." Mrs. Willson Said. "But That's 3 hours away! If You leave now you'll only get back By 2 AM!" 

"Well, We Thought That You And Jay Would Be Fine By Yourselves." Mrs. Willson said. "Anyways, We're Leaving Now. Love You-"Mrs. Willson Hugged Skylar And Left. Skylar Watched As The Car Pulled Out Of The Driveway And left. "Jay!" Skylar Shouted To Jay's Room. "What?" Jay Answered Back lazily. "I'm Gonna Go Down To The Cafe Later, Wanna Come?" Skylar Asked. "Naw, Max Said He'd Be Coming Down To Banff In A Week And We Need To Work Stuff Out. I might Go Down To The Daimlers' House Later." Jay Walked Out To The Kitchen. "Wait, Daimlers Like, Clay Daimler?" Skylar Asked. "Oh, Right. Clay's In Your Class." Jay Added"Well, He's A Grade Above Us, So Not Exactly but erm, Could I Come With You?" Skylar Pulled Out Her Phone And Started Texting Kenzie. "Sure."

Later On, Skylar Sat Alone Outside The Coffee Shop. Kenzie Was Supposed To Come, But She Was Probably With Clay .Skylar Sipped On Her Tea, Staring Into The Cold, Grey Fog. She Wondered What Would Happen When Kenzie And Her Closed The Door. She Thought Of Kenzie Falling Through The Door. She Saw Kenzie's Smile In Her Mind. Skylar's Eyes filled with tears. She Got So Wrapped In Her Emotions, She Spilled Her Tea On Her Shirt. Skylar Didn't care, She just sobbed quietly, covering her face with her hands. "You Okay?" Said A Voice From Behind her. Maggie Hovered Over The Ground, Her Wings Lifting Her Up. "Don't Worry, Only You Can See me. I'm Sorry but You Have to Shut The Door. You Have To Get Kenzie. Here" Maggie Handed Skylar A Book. "What.... What is this?" Skylar asked. "It's spellbook. You can use the spells if the demons come to attack you. By the way-"Maggie's eyes lit up with a golden glow" I Can Help You, But.. I can't Help you the whole way. My powers have limits, and you can only cast a few spells."

"Wha- But- I-" Skylar flipped through the book. "I need your help! I can't cast any of these!"Maggie Looked behind her quickly as if someone was there."Sky- I have to go- I'll meet you in the forest. Bye!" Maggie Shot Up into the Air leaving a shimmery golden trail behind her.

Skylar stared up at the sky. "I Got to Get To Kenzie." She texted Jay to come pick her up. Jay speeded down the road to the Daimlers' house. Skylar flung herself out the door. She pounded on the front door. Mrs. Daimler opened the door. "Is Kenzie here?" Skylar said urgently. "Yes. W- Why?" Mrs. Daimler answered. "I Need To Talk to her. Can you get her please?"

Kenzie walked quietly down the stairs. "Sky?" She ran to Skylar. "Kenzie! Margret Came back to me. We need to shut the door." Kenzie's smile faded quickly. " Today? Right Now?" "Yes. We need to close it." Kenzie ran back into the house. She Came out again, carrying a bag. She Opened the door of jay's car. Skylar got in too. "Take us back home,  Jay." Jay drove to the house. Skylar grabbed a few things from her house. Kenzie and Skylar walked to the door. "So, what do we do now?" Kenzie asked. "I, I Don't know." Skylar looked at the dark void of the door. A thundering sound struck the air. Chrono appeared In front of the door. "Well look who it is...." 

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