Part 8- Pop The Question

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Black vans and white converse collided with the sidewalk below as you and Hyunjin traversed through your neighborhood, talking casually and taking turns on his skateboard as the sky faded to pitch black.

"Is that your house over there?" Hyunjin whispered, pointing towards a cream colored building with a charming Japanese maple in the front lawn. You nodded, stepping off his skateboard.
You both walked up to the front porch, pausing at the door before looking at each other.

"Thank you for...saving me. And buying me coffee. And teaching me to skateboard, and walking me home..." you trailed off, fiddling with your bracelets.
The silence was broken by Hyunjin's bubbly laughter, to which you couldn't help but join in before he calmed down with a sigh.

"You're cute- I mean- it was nothing, really."
You both found yourselves staring at each other, which in turn only made your heart beat faster. Luckily he remembered to take your backpack off, handing it to you and turning to leave with a smile.
"We should do this again sometime," he said, waving as he bid goodbye.

The beanie boy turned on his heels, casting a glance back at you. His eyebrows lifted in curiosity.

Do it. Ask him. Now's the chance.

"Are you going to the fall formal?"

His shoulders seemed to relax, and there was a familiar glimmer in his eyes. Had he been waiting for you to mention it?
"I want to, but from my understanding a girl has to ask me first, so..." He picked his board back up, carrying it in his hand before his expectant eyes met yours.

What are you waiting for? The perfect opportunity is right in front of you!

He took a small step towards you, pulling his hat down a bit more with a faint smile on his lips.
"Why'd you ask?"


Jiyoung's mouth hung open as you stopped your dramatic retelling of last night's events, too embarrassed to continue.
"And? Continue woman! You asked him right? Please tell me you asked him and you're officially going together," she rambled, leaning closer to your locker door. But you hung your head in dismay, slamming it shut.

"I didn't."
She grabbed your shoulders and shook you like you had passed out.
"Why didn't you?!"
"I don't know!" You pressed your back to the lockers, sliding down the metal doors as your hands hid your embarrassment. "I was so close, but then when he looked at me I froze up and...ugh I'm hopeless."

"Who's hopeless?" joined Minho, who had just turned the corner into the hallway with a smirk on his face. Jiyoung rolled her eyes and pointed at you, curled into a ball at the base of the lockers.
"She can't ask Hyunjin to the dance."
"Not this again," he scoffed, lending a hand down to you. You slid your palm into his before he pulled you onto your feet, nodding at your friend. "Could you give us a moment?"
"Sure. See you later y/n." She grabbed her things and disappeared down the hallway, and only once she was out of earshot did Minho turn back to you.

"So, you still haven't asked him huh?" He smirked, finally letting go of your hand. You didn't realize how much that was making your brain fuzzy until now.
"Oh shut up, nobody's asked you either."
"Touché." He paused, taking a moment to glance at your stressed face before continuing. "What's stopping you?"

"I get too nervous when he looks at me." You confessed, chewing on your bottom lip as your fingers played with your bracelets.
"You could always practice on me you know," he said, leaning forward and wiggling his eyebrows. You pushed him back and declined, desperately needing that extra foot of space between you two before you did something reckless.

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