To Be A Harbinger, pt. 10

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The meeting was simple. It was just the two of them with seven others. Jean, the Acting Grand Master, sat at the head of the table. Next to her was Scaramouche, and Lucille beside him. He sat across from a rather sultry woman with a large pointed hat. The librarian, Lisa, they were told. Across from Lucille was a fiery redhead who looked as uncomfortable as she did: Diluc, a retired knight who was far too young for that title. Beside him was the church's representative, a nun named Rosaria. Next came the blonde man she side eyed the whole time. He babled something about alchemy before introducing himself as Albedo. Beside Lucille was the Cavalry Captain, Kaeya, and finally, a young knight named Amber took the seat beside him.

"This is everyone who is aware of the incident." Jean informed them.

"That's not so wise." Scaramouche commented, glancing around.

"Excuse me?" Jean narrowed her eyes.

"While it's currently safe to assume nothing will happen, you should never have all of your fish in one pond." He said simply, folding his hands on top of the table. "What if I had been one of my more hot headed comrades?"

"Attacking anyone in this room would be considered a declaration of war." Lisa said firmly. "You know that, Scara."

Lucille coughed. She hadn't meant to, but now all eyes were on her. Scaramouche shifted ever so slightly to hook his foot around hers. She cleared her throat. "Please, do not refer to him in such a manner."

"Oh right, you two are engaged aren't you?" Kaeya asked suddenly with a laugh.

"What? I-" Lucille was cut off by Scaramouche.

"Damn, Pedrelino." She turned to see him pull out a the electro ring. "He couldn't keep a secret to save his life."

Lucille knew her cue. She felt the eyes of the knights on her as she covered her mouth and her eyes began to water.

Scaramouche smiled. "Can you?"

Lucille laughed, and she hugged him. Let them think it was a inside joke, or let them think Schnezznyans were simply odd. It didn't matter. The point was to fool them. Lucille leaned back, and she kissed him quickly. His breath caught in his throat, and he quickly slipped the ring onto her finger. He kissed her hand, and she giggled.

Rosaria cleared her throat. "This is cute and all, but we're here to discuss why you killed Bartholemus."

The two harbingers glanced at each other and then at her.

Diluc quietly corrected her, and without breaking eye contact she repeated, "Barbotas."

Scaramouche couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sorry, you-you're a nun, and you don't know the name of your god?"

"There's more important things than some guy who floats by every couple hundred years." She snapped.

"If you don't care, why are you here?" Lucille frowned.

"Because I hate Fatui. If throwing a fit over this gets the lot of you kicked out, I'll even start some waterworks." She said smoothly.

"Okay, children." Lisa's voice cut through the conversation. Lucille felt her cheeks go hot, but the other two looked unfazed. "Jean?"

The Acting Grand Master nodded at her. "We would like to know what happened."

"The Fair Lady acted out of hand. She was sent here to check up on her subordinates, but she's been... on edge as of late." Scaramouche glanced at Lucille. She realized he was trying to make it seem like a petty rivalry between the two girls. "It's no secret the lot of us tend to be... unstable at times, and jealousy is a cruel master."

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