To Be A Harbinger, pt. 14

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"When will this be over?" Scaramouche rested his forehead on Lucille's chest. It had already been a week, and he was drained from everything the brothers had put them through. Even now, when they were finally allowed a break, Scaramouche was dick deep inside Lucille. She shifted a bit, trying to reach the chicken-mushroom skewer on the side table. They had been told they couldn't separate, or else Kaeya would shatter his vision.

Scaramouche was beginning to doubt he'd ever get it back.

"I don't know. Maybe never." Lucille sighed, she ignored the skewer in the end, it would only make her sick later. She ran her fingers through his dirty hair. The brothers had proven they had favorites-Diluc with Lucille and Kaeya with Scaramouche-and they definitely marked them with enough cum to prove it.

"What are we going to do?" Scaramouche whispered against her skin.

Lucille leaned away from him, in an attempt to see his face, but she froze when he let out a small cry. "Sorry." She mumbled.

He had the cock ring back on. Whenever they weren't overstimulating him, they were denying him. He couldn't cum, not now. That was another one of Kaeya's cruel tricks-putting him so close to what he wanted without letting him have it. He felt robbed. He didn't want to be inside her, not yet. Not while she hated him. It's not like they've had a chance to talk since the first day.

He slowly adjusted her so he could see her face. He took a deep breath. "Ma Fleur, I...they were right. On the first day."

"You mean when you lost it because another guy fucked me?" Lucille said, not bothering to hide the bite in her voice.

"You mean when he came inside you?" Scaramouche snapped back. "What if he had gotten you pregnant?"

"Does it matter? It would've been his problem, not yours." She rolled her eyes.

"You are my problem." He distracted himself by rubbing circles on her hips with his thumbs.

Lucille closed her eyes, trying to pick her battles. "You're an awful person."

Scaramouche swallowed. "I know." He whispered.

"You are the worst person I've ever met." She shook her head, and he nodded again. He expected this, really. His last hope had been to save her from Mondstadt's wrath, and obviously he had failed. "You hurt people because you want to. Because you're bored. Because you want to feel something. You killed your own family because you were numb."

"You don't have to go that far, ma Fleur, I get the point." Scaramouche sounded defeated as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the chair. He started to organize all the tabs in his brain of what to say to her, when soft lips touched his own. He'd almost forgotten what they felt like. It had been so long since he kissed her.

"I love you too." She whispered. He stared at her in disbelief, and she shook her head. "I can't stand to even be around you, but I would die for you."

Scaramouche forgot about his aching dick as he pulled her into his arms. He pressed his face into her hair and cried. He didn't know he was crying until he pulled away, and she wiped some of the tears off his cheeks. She sighed. "After everything that's happened, I miss my friend. Watching them torture you like this..."

Lucille lightly kissed his bruised neck, each one a rough grab at her powers. They took their weapons, and Scaramouche's vision, but they didn't see the point in taking both. One was enough to keep them in line. Lucille brushed her hands over him, healing him just a bit as she went.

He caught her wrists. "Heal yourself."

"I'm fine." She pulled her hands free and set back to work.

He stopped her again. "Ma Fleur, please."

"I've had worse. Most of it from you." He dropped his eyes at the end, looking at her tummy rather than her face. She rocked her hips against him and he cried out in both pleasure and pain. "I'm willing to bet you've never been handled like this your whole life."

Scaramouche trapped her hips to try and hold her still, but she was right, he hadn't. The closest he'd ever come to this was letting Tartaglia have his way. This was too much. He was too weak. Even if he had his vision, he doubted he'd be able to fight his way out of the city. Finally, he gave up. "Okay, okay, fine! Heal me!"

Lucille kissed off his tears while her hands worked over him. It had been a long week, and Scaramouche was so fragile. He was so easy to break. He clung onto little things like his life depended on it, and maybe because at one point it did. From his clothes to Lucille herself, he kept everything perfectly under his control. Sometimes she hated him for it. Now, looking at his tear-stained face, it was hard to resent him for it.

Deep down she knew it was wrong. She should hate him. He put her through so much, and he even threatened her sisters. Still... she missed his egotistical self. His voice telling her what to do had become a comfort rather than a burden while she wasn't looking. They just had to get through this-whatever Mondstadt could throw at them. They'd be back home and back to normal in no time.

Kaeya and Diluc strolled in, one more gloomy than the other. After a week of sex, Diluc was bored, annoyed, and honestly just tired. He hadn't realized what he'd signed up for. Kaeya on the other hand, looked downright depressed.

"Good news, I take it?" Lucille chided. Scaramouche wondered how she so easily talked back to them. Although, her vision wasn't being held hostage, was it?

"You're going home." Diluc said formally.

Scaramouche sat up quickly, and Kaeya smiled when he winced. "Don't lie to us."

"I'm not a liar." Diluc leveled him. His eyes were different. He wasn't the same as he had been only hours prior. Scaramouche noted his general carelessness towards the two of them. "Your archon wants you back, and Jean agreed."

The two harbingers let out a breathe they hadn't known they were holding. Kaeya tossed something shiney through the air, and if it hadn't been for Lucille's quick reflexes, it would've shattered. She very gently put it into Scaramouche's hand. When he realized what had happened, he pressed it to his chest and fell forward into Lucille's arms. He didn't show any outward signs of crying, but the wetness on her chest gave him away. She gently ran her fingers through the bottom strands of his hair.

"Kaeya, the key please." Lucille sounded more confident than she had in what felt like weeks. She was his equal now. She served her sentence, but now her archon was back on her side. Scaramouche held onto her as Kaeya begrudgingly tossed her the key.

She slowly began to lift off of his cock, but he held onto her. She unwrapped his arms and climbed off of him. "Take us to my room."

Diluc chuckled a bit at her before handing them both robes. After they accepted, he brought them to a guest room, where their clothes sat folded-with Scaramouche's mended hat. As soon as the door closed behind Diluc, Scaramouche reached for Lucille. "Take it off."

"Relax. I will. Come on." Lucille led the way into the joined bathroom and kissed him gently while the shower heated up.

Scaramouche really had gotten the worst of it. Lucille had resigned herself to being used to pushing her limits, but he wasn't made to handle orgasms so close together, and then not being able to come at all. Not to mention the mental torment Kaeya preferred, targeting all of the older harbinger's weaknesses at once.

She sank to her knees and took him into her mouth, closing her eyes when he tried to jerk away from her. She carefully unlocked him, and he sighed as the pressure released. Lucille hesitated before starting to suck him off. He was past the point of holding back his whining when she massaged his balls. Finally, he came down her throat, and he felt like he was melting. He absentmindedly put a hand on her head to rub her hair while she pulled off of him to swallow carefully.

"Let's get a shower."

"I'd rather just go to sleep." He laughed bitterly. Lucille shrugged and moved to turn off the water. Scaramouche pulled her hand back. "Not your problem."

Lucille smiled at him and they made their way to the bed. For the first time in a long time, the two of them fell asleep holding each other.

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