To Be A Harbinger, pt. 16

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"It's such a shame the two of you are leaving so soon." Kaeya smiled, offering a glass of wine to one of them.

Scaramouche declined. "The negotiations are over, therefore we have no reason to stay."

"Really? Next time I'll have to step up my game." Kaeya laughed.

Scaramouche tightened his grip on his drink. "I suppose you will."

"I'll keep that in mind. Harlequin, what do you think? Should Diluc improve too?" Kaeya asked, propping his head on his hand. The red head barely acknowledged his induction into the conversation.

Lucille hooked her ankle around Scaramouche's under the table. "Everyone has a limitless capacity to improve."

"Don't be so serious, love." Kaeya laughed, and he downed the glass he had originally offered them. "Honestly, how was he?"

She glanced at Scaramouche. "I've had better."

He smiled a bit to himself, and intertwined their fingers under the table. If they didn't watch themselves, he didn't doubt they'd end up holding each other.

Diluc looked at Scaramouche with no emotion and then to his brother with the same vacant eyes. "Leave them be. You've had your fun."

"Hmph. You're all no fun." Kaeya pouted.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that. You just got lucky." Scaramouche shrugged.

"Oh really? Is that a challenge?" Kaeya raised his eyebrows.

"Maybe next time." Scaramouche shrugged. Lucille kicked him under the table. "Or not."

The knight chuckled and tossed a grape into the air. Scaramouche and Lucille frowned as he caught it in his mouth. Not even Tartaglia was so crude. "No one said you were invited, sweetheart."

Lucille tightened her grip on Scaramouche's hand. She wouldn't let this man break him, not again. She had finally gotten him, after so long of wanting to give in, and now wasn't going to be when she lost.

"Relax, ma Fleur." Scaramouche whispered. She did the opposite, actually. Her whole body tensed when his breath fell over her neck. He had leaned over to try and comfort her.

The chair scraped as she stood up. "My apologies, Acting Grand Master, I believe I am unwell."

Jean turned away from her conversation with the librarian. She frowned from the head of the table. "Is there anything I can do?"

Scaramouche stood up as well, putting an arm around her to "support" her. "Oh, it's fine. She just needs to lie down for a while. I should take care of her. Thank you for your hospitality, but we really should be going."

Lucille felt equal anger and relief as he led her out of the room. She slapped his hands away as soon as the door closed. He frowned. "Ma Fleur?"


She didn't stop moving until they were in their room at the hotel. Scaramouche was barely able to wait until they were inside the room to push her against the wall. "Lucille!"

She frowned, but it looked like something in her head snapped back into focus. She looked afraid, or sad. "Why would you even entertain them?"

"Because I am not weak, unlike some people." He glared at her, and she almost gave in, like always.

"I'm not weak." She pushed against him, but he didn't give.

"Are you sure? Because the more I see you the more I think that her majesty simply threw you a bone against Tartaglia." He knew he should, but he didn't stop the venom in his tone. It was too late anyway. The damage had been done.

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