Chapter 9

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Fyi that gif of Jefferson will never not make me cry MY HEART
Also if you're my friend go away skip this it's so embarrassing oop


Bucky thought Alex looked stunning, she can even make trackies look amazing.

"Come in," Alex gestured for him to come inside. As Bucky walked inside, he immediately felt comfortable there. The house was quite cottage-like from the outside, and that statement still stands for the inside. It was small, but very homely. There were lots of plants and natural sort of elements, and the colours were warm and calming. 

Admittedly, Alex didn't really clean up at all, but it looked averagely clean. Bucky thought it was amazing.

"So I have some popcorn in the kitchen if we want some, and I have a few snacks in the cupboard."

Bucky nodded along, still looking around the room.

"Uh, you can go to the couch if you want, get comfortable, I'll find some movies. Is there anything you want to watch?"

Bucky shook his head. He didn't really know what movies there were these days.

"Okay, well, have you heard of Harry Potter? (I'm sorry I had to)"

Bucky suddenly got a look of recognition in his eyes.

"I saw something about that on the Pinterest." 

"Well, Harry Potter it is."


Both Alex and Bucky were sitting next to each other on the couch. Not too close, though both of them wanted to move closer. Alex got up Netflix to put on the movies (We're just gonna pretend Netflix didn't get rid of them)(WAIT WHAT IS UP WITH MY MANIFESTING THEY'RE BACK)

"Wait. How does that work?"

"What, Netflix?"

Bucky nodded, and Alex chuckled to herself.

"Well Netflix has lots of movies and TV shows, so you can easily watch them at home."


"Yeah, It's pretty cool.."

Alex smiled at Bucky's questions. He really has a lot to learn


 "Hermione's annoying." Bucky said. 

"Hey! She is one of the best characters-"

"She's still annoying."

Alex sighed. "Okay, maybe in the first few movies, but she's super amazing after that, especially when she punched Draco-"

"She what?"

"You'll see it later."

Bucky sighed longingly.


By the second movie, Alex's head was on Bucky's shoulder, covered in a blanket that Alex had retrieved after the end of the 1st movie. She had also gotten some doritos for her and Bucky.


"Oh my god you don't know what doritos are... Well they're just cheese flavoured chips I guess.."

Bucky loved them. By the first 5 minutes of the movie he had eaten the whole bag. 


"So how do they make Dobby?" Bucky questioned. Alex moved her head from his shoulder. 

"Well it's all on computers-" Alex replied. 

Therapy-- Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now