Chapter 27: Recue Mission

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You creak open the hatch, which looks like it's some kind of... ventilation duct?

Your wings scrape the sides as you crawl through, no idea where you're going, until you find a grate on the ceiling of the shaft.

It pops open with a loud kshunk as you push it upwards.

Oof- Hope they didn't hear that-

You scan the high tech looking hallway for movement or doors.

Man, you feel like Agent Muldoon-

You've watched wayyy too many series of Earth Invaders with Eli-

Oh crap.


He's probably super worried about you.

Argh, you should have told him you're okay...

Loud footsteps jolt you out of your thoughts, and you duck back down, replacing the grate.

"Please don't eat my brains ma'am- mister- alien dude- they aren't tasty, I promise!"


What is he-

"Quiet, earthling.", a familiar raspy voice hisses irritatedly.

That lizard lady from the forest, the one who was working with the dog-headed one, who seemed to be the leader.

Her tail drags over the grate, and you hold your breath until she leaves.

So now you have two Tarrons and a Palchuk to rescue.

Ugh. Do you really have to rescue Steve?

You listen for a while to check if she's coming back, then lift yourself out of the vent.

Now... where did she go with Steve?

You hear more commotion down the hallway and you sneak towar heards it.

Turning the corner, you barely have time to register the scene before you're knocked backwards by a huge explosion.

The smell of scorched metal fills your nose as you stand, and realize that the air whistling in your ears means the whole ship is plummeting to the ground.


You race to the front of the ship, which as far as you know, is where the cockpit should be.

Inside are two of the Tarrons, the big blue one, 'Varvatos', and Krel.

The latter is quite preoccupied with figuring out the steering, but the other notices your entry, and glares at you angrily, drawing his weapon.

You roll your eyes and cross your arms.

"Listen, big blue, if you want to crash and die, then great for you, but I don't, and honestly, neither do you, so move over."

He steps aside begrudgingly and so does Krel.

Less begrudgingly.

Now that you've taken the metaphorical wheel, you analyze the multiple buttons and screens.


"This thing has the same controls as K-86 Jets"

"So you can fly this thing?", Krel questions cautiously.


"What do you mean, sorta?"

"I mean, I've read the manual."

Skimmed the manual.

"You've never flown one?!?"

"Nope.", you say, adjusting levers and pushing buttons furiously, a task made a lot easier by your four arms.

"But the pilots told me how to use it."

More like you overheard them talking about it.

But still.

"It's a high tech spaceship, how hard can it be?"

"We're all going to die.", he sighs, and flops back onto the wall of the cockpit dramatically.

Maybe a little too dramatically, as it gives way, sending the boy flying out of the ship.


Well that's a bit of a cliffhanger-








Not Quite Human  (Krel x Reader) [Unfinished/Author Working on Other Projects]Where stories live. Discover now