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*procrastinates on chapters cutely*

akjaskjnakjfnksdf idk im sorry im so dead

also no, hajime doesn't actually have a crush on nagito yet. if he does its barely acknowledgeable because I need plot hahahhahaha. he just realized he was bi and was like "wow. women and men. tasty."

also, yes school just started for them,,, i looked it up, Japanese schooling starts in April (it doesn't specify when so ill just say April 1st). and nagito's bday is the 28th. you'll see.

Hajime's POV

It's been around a week since I'd confessed to Ibuki.

I came out to our friend group, as well as Komaeda, who replied with "Does that mean you're free for me to take now?"

Real smooth, Komaeda, real smooth.

I 100% did not become a flustered mess.

Definitely not.

I'm not ready to come out to others yet, it's a little scary. I don't know if my parents support or not, but Ibuki did get me a pride flag just like she said she would. She also made me a little blue, purple, and pink bracelet and forced me to wear it. It was really nice of her, actually.


I looked down and saw a notification from Chiaki. School was over, what does she want?


hey, it's Komaeda's birthday tmrw. just thought i'd let you know!

Fuck, for real? What do you even buy someone like Komaeda?

I quickly asked Chiaki and she said he had a cat, and he also really likes plants. His house was apparently fairly small though, so I shouldn't get anything too big. I thanked her and quickly went to the store.

Our school had a store that was relatively close to it. Most people who lived in the dorms went there, so I saw Amami and Ouma, and Saihara. I greeted them and went on my way, listening as Ouma went on a ramble about the bank he robbed the other day with his "super-secret evil organization".

Lesson for when you come to Hope's Peak; don't listen to a word Ouma says.

I bought him Lucky Bamboo, which was 100% a play on his talent. I think he'd like it. I couldn't find anything for a cat there, but whatever.

Right as I was walking out the door, someone called to me.

"Oi, Hinata-chan! Question! Question, question."

I turned around to see Ouma running at me.

"Yes?" I questioned.

He poked me and then fiddled with the strings of his jacket. "I know you're pretty close to Komaeda, so I'm just saying tomorrow on his birthday I'm going to bring in a cake. And throw a weensy bit of a party. And then blow the school up. You wanna help?"

"Yeah, I'd love t- wait you're gonna what?!" 

"Nishishi... nothing! Also, buy candles!"

I heard a "Kimchi, stop messing with Hinata. He doesn't tolerate you like I do," from Saihara and a little bit of giggling before I shook my head and called back that I'd help.

Oh, I also bought the candles.

I probably shouldn't accept Ouma's offers but hey, I wanna be a good friend.

~killing butterflies~ {Komahina} {Assasin!Nagito x Hajime}Where stories live. Discover now