Chapter 14 (BINGO!)

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*[Y/N] POV*

I proceeded to walk towards the front of the mansion and needless to say.....I don't see him.......hmmmmm.....I wonder if.....

????: Hey did you see that vastaya guy he was in a hurry

????: Yea he even pushed some people out of his way....rude....

????: Yea....but luckily he's gone so.....


[Y/N]: Hey you tell me where he before I pound you to the ground

????: Hey Hey chill man

[Y/N]: Speak up...and don't tell anyone this....or else

I proceeded to release some energy of anger and my whole face and body proceeded to it's even more this what it feels to have's not really about that....right?......

????: Hey man chill look I saw him go around that corner to which leads to a warehouse but that's all I know

[Y/N]: if you excuse me i have some work to do.......

I proceeded to follow his directions and walla I found the warehouse....woo hoo mystery solved gang......wait theres no gang with me I'm just here by myself ugh whatever

????: Troy Troy've made the best deal in your life

Troy: Yea with this red lyrium  I can finally make super soldiers

????:Yes you can........and the best that they have the power to rival that of [Y/N]s.

What the does he know my name.....and why does he sound familiar......

Troy: Oh don't worry....with this power.....I can finally be powerful enough to take him his friends and everyone else on haha

????: Hmph don't let it go to your head.....once you inject this inside yourself...the effects are permanent use it when necessary

Troy: Don't worry......I'll only use it when he gets a little to close to my girl so

????: Ah yes.....the idol......honestly troy....why haven't you dumped her yet

Troy: Because what I want is her money....her fame....everything....especially her body haha

????: Ugh......vastayas and there primitive nature

Troy: Hey man that's a Body worth dying for.....still.......I have to figure out a way to slip in something in her drink to make her get in bed with me......still a work in progress but eventually I will.....but to be honest I can't wait to see her disband her kda group because breaking her is so easy.........she's just a dumb fox wanting attention so badly that I don't give it to her hahaha

What the..........this dare he.........ahris not dumb she's smart and's leagues above me so it doesn't matter......but wait why am I acting like this....I don't like any of them....I only want to help them......

????: Well not my problem.....however best get going troy....otherwise her "Bodyguard" Might find us

Troy: Don't worry with this lyrium nothing can stand in my way

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