Chapter 3

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"Shit!! Look at the time, we have to go for lunch!!" I swear when the time on my phone catches my eye.

"Fuck," Sky says as we all begin rushing around. We all wear the same thing, Sky still in her white, cloud-like dress that looked like it cost more than my grandparent's house, Marina also wears a dress but this one is long and flowy and a beautiful blue-green color.

We quickly leave the cottage together to make our way to the cafeteria, thankfully Marina and Daisy knew exactly where we were going because I was so lost. Eventually, we arrive to the cafeteria but just as I go to walk in, I run into someone.

I stumble back a little and thankfully the girls help me get my balance before I stare at the male Borya that I had run into. What was with me and running into people today!?

"Why hello gorgeous," the boy smirks, looking me up and down. I couldn't deny that this boy was attractive with his shoulder-length hair that was yellow blonde, he had similar eyes to my own with tan skin and light freckles over his face.

"Hi?" I question awkwardly.

"What's your name beautiful?" The blonde-haired boy continues to smirk. Before I get the chance to reply, I feel a subtle, yet sharp tug on my shirt and I instantly know it's a warning from one of the girls.

"I have to go, sorry?" I reply awkwardly.

"No biggie, I'll see you around gorgeous."

I quickly walk away, the girls pushing me in the direction of an empty table close to the other exit where not many people were coming from.

"What just happened?" I question cluelessly, all the girls, even Sky look a little shaken up and I'm instantly nervous.

"That's Blaze, he is the prince of Leponus and possibly one of the most evil people you'll ever meet, his twin sister is Luna and she's actually even worse if that's possible, Sky explains.

"Luna is the one that always makes fun of me with her minions," Marina continuous.

I look around, trying to put a face to this group that seemed so unkind, eventually, my eyes catch sight of yellow blonde hair and I know it's Blaze.

Daisy follows my view and nods to herself, "beside Blaze is his sister Luna, beside her is perhaps her most evil friend Demetria, then there is Trixy who is pretty quiet which makes her seem nicer but it's all a trick, in between her and Blaze is Alessandro, he and Blaze are exceedingly close. The whole group is super close though and as the twin's parents are the king and queen of Leponus, they donate a lot to the school so you can bet that the 5 of them are in a group together, even if most groups only have 4."

"Wow, do you know anything else about the 5 of them?" I question, my curiosity peaking.

Sky nods from the other side of Daisy; "Blaze has the power of the sun whilst his twin has the power of the moon," Sky begins. I look again at Luna, her hair was as black as night and pin-straight, it went to below her waist, her eyes were almost glowing, you could even see the grey eyes from where I sat. She was pale, a lot paler than her brother, in fact, they looked the complete opposite which was interesting considering they were twins, as an outsider, you would never be able to tell. Luna wore a silver skirt that was longer on one side and short on the other, she wore a matching boob tube.

Sky continues, gesturing to Demetria, "Demetria has the power of ice, you'd think that her and Marina would get along, she's the princess of Frostine but her parents are so cold, and I mean that in every single way." I move my eyes to Demetria who had white hair that was as straight and long as Luna's, she also looked pale but you could never mistake her eyes for anything but what they were; a cold and pale blue.

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