A Secret to be kept

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Author's PoV

Everyone arrived at school. The divas, Michael and Jessie went with the girls to their Chorus class to practice for their gig. They did scales and practised breathing properly and they all had to decide what to perform.

In Studio that day, the five girls were allowed to work together so they could get their piece done. Nicola however felt a bit guilty for leaving Sam because she lied to him. He knew nothing about the gig and Nicola thought it was best he didn't know so he didn't get jealous or have an argument with her.

The 11 friends were preparing their songs to perform in Michael's studio classroom. That meant that the five girls A.K.A. Girls Aloud now had to create something completely new to impress thousands of people. They had never done anything together so this was a new experience for them.

Kimberley's PoV

Me, the girls, the divas and Michael all had a double Studio lesson to work on our pieces while the other classmates had a single lesson. Everyone seemed suspicious but only one or two people questioned it. I was nervous about this but I always took charge of everything so I had to seem like I was confident with it all.

"So, girls. How are we gonna do this?" I asked.
"Well, let's choose a band name first!" Sarah suggested. We nodded.
"Girls Aloud!" We all said in unison. "Jinx!" We high five again.
"Good. Now, we need to think of the tune." I said.
"How about something edgy and fierce?" Cheryl thought out loud.
"Perfect! Who wants do the sound?"
"Me and Sarah will." Nadine offered.
"Right, then Cheryl and Nicola will think of the Lyrics and I will you know, be the manager." I dictated. The others nodded.

Nadine's PoV

"So, Sarah. I was thinking an electric guitar could play in the background." I told her.
"Sounds good to me." She muttered before adding some beats to the song on a computer. It sounded pretty cool.

"And some drum beats here and there." Sarah said. This was easier than I thought.

Cheryl's PoV

Me and Nicola sat together on a table with just a sheet of lined paper and a pen.
"Kimba, can you go ask Nadz and Saz how the beat goes?" I ordered her.
"Sure." She walked to over hear the tune. She came back a minute later. "They said for you to go listen." She reported.


"Wow! Girls, this is awesome!" Nicola commented.
"Kimba, you need to hear this!" I begged.
"Yeah, come on!" Nicola pleaded in her innocent little girl voice. Kimberley put some headphones and listened. She was cutely bobbing her head to the beat. We giggled.
"It's gonna sound great after these two get some lyrics." She said, impressed.


After a minute or two or returning back to the blank piece of paper, we thought of a title.

"Hey Chez, should we call it 'Underground' or something?" Nicola wondered.
"Good idea, Nic. Hmm. How about 'Sound Of The Underground'?" I had a major light bulb moment. Both our eyes glowed in achievement.
"Yes! That's perfect!" Nicola squealed as she scribbled it down on the top of the page.

By the end of our brainstorming session, we got a verse and pre chorus written down.

Disco dancing with the lights down low
Beats are pumpin' on the stereo
Neighbours banging on the bathroom wall
You're sayin' crank the bass, I gotta get some more

Water's runnin' in the wrong direction
Gotta feeling it's a mixed up sign
I can see it in my own reflection
Something funny's goin' on inside my mind

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