After the show...

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The audience was still going crazy when we all went backstage after the show. It made me elated, euphoric! I couldn't wait till the next performance I did with the girls. It went better than we all expected.

I fell straight asleep when I flopped onto my bed, exhausted...


"Girls, I'm bloody knackered. The show was amazin'" I exclaimed to the girls and the divas when they arrived. The divas laughed.
"I bet you are, Chez. You girls rocked it at the O2 even though you didn't know you were actually there!" Beyoncé nodded.
"Get used to it girls! Mr Austin likes to do this sort of thing with us often so watch out!" Mariah added.

"What did you think of my version of Ms Parton's song?" Whitney asked us.
"It was awesome, Nippy. She must be very proud of you." Michael said breathily from behind us and he scared the life out of us for a second there. Whitney giggled at the sound of his voice.

The bell rung sirens and we all headed to class. Back to Study period! Great...

Nicola's PoV

I kept staring at Sam the whole of Study period. It was geography so no point listening.

That boy is so dreamy...

"Huh, what?" I murmured, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"I asked you a question." Mrs Newton said.
"Sorry, miss what was it?" I was so embarrassed now.

"What is six add fifteen times four?"
" it...eighty-four?" I guessed.
"Yes, well done, Nicola." She nodded, writing the answer on the whiteboard.

Death stares, sniggers, yes there was all of that from Nicki and Ariana.


"Finally, we're out of there!" Cheryl unenthusiastically cheered.

We laughed.

"You can say that again, Chez! I mean how are we supposed to know what is seven plus eighteen times four?" Mariah agreed coming from behind us.
"That's our Mimi!" Whitney then appeared with Michael.

"Any of you guys noticed I'm still wearing my candyman outfit from last night?" Christina shouted down the hall.
"Oh yeah. Xtina, you lazy girl!" Whitney chuckled.
"I'm still wearing the same outfit too! I just decided to wear sneakers instead of my heels today." Beyoncé said.
"Not bothered much?" Sarah winked.


Everyone laughed.

The eleven teens were all definitely best friends forever. Even when one of them was in a bad mood, the others would cheer each other up and help them with anything. Especially Kimberley, as she had two Chemistry and Math students to tutor, Mariah and Cheryl.

The overwhelming first two weeks Girls Aloud spent at the dream school still fazed them. So much that everyone couldn't be bothered to change from their performance outfits from last night. Neither of them had felt such an amazing feeling after performing at one of the biggest venues in London.

And this was only the beginning...

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