Practise Practise Practise!

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Nadine's PoV

"Ok guys one more time before break ends!" Beyoncé ordered to all of us. Everyone performed to each other and we gave feedback like Michael said for the girls and I to move a little bit more because we looked stiff. But dancing isn't really an asset for me as it is for Cheryl. She's awesome at it as she's danced since she was little.

Cheryl's PoV

The bell rang to go back to class and we check our timetables. We're lucky break is half an hour for us to rehearse. We're all in the same class for our next lesson. Including Sam of course to make Nicola happy.

"So guys, what's next lesson?" Jessie asked.
"Um, I think we have Studio now, do we girls?" I turned to the girls for an answer.
"Mmm....yep, Chez well done. We have double Studio then hometime!" Sarah replied, punching her fist in the air.
"At last!" The divas cheered in unison. "Jinx!" They high five and we all make our way to class.

I had music playing in my earphones and I didn't realise I was singing out loud until Mrs George had to shout at the top of her lungs to stop me.

"W-what? Oh sorry Miss. Hehe...umm..." I laughed nervously. Now I'm embarrassed as hell. God.

The whole class laughed so I guess it isn't that bad.

"Don't sweat, Chez, it's not a big deal as they're making it." Whitney patted my shoulder. She was right behind me.
"Thanks, Nippy." I whispered.
"Don't mention it, girl." She grinned.

Of course, we all worked our bums off for the last three hours of the school day but I was pretty exhausted!


"Our song is finished just in time for tomorrow! Yes!" I yelled leaping into mid air. The other girls laughed in hysterics. I beamed my deep dimpled brightly in achievement. But as we were all aware. It wasn't over yet!


"Hi, Cheryl pet, how was your day?" Mam asked as I took a seat on the sofa. This is bliss!
"Great, Mam. The girls and I finished our song and oh yeah. I have something to ask you!" I replied.

"What is it?" Mam asked.

"We're doing a concert at the school tomorrow from six to nine and Mr Austin said to tell our parents."

Mam's eyes widened.

"Wow, me little Cheryl's gonna be a star!"

I laughed, "I know, Mam, I know."

"Hey, what's all the racket?" My little brother, Garry, asked as he came into the room.
"Cheryl's doing a concert at her school with her friends!" Mam announced.
"Yeah, Garry, ya big sister's gonna be a popstar!" I boasted.
"Aw well done, Cheryl! Break a leg while you're up there eh?" Garry playfully elbowed me.
"Thanks." I elbowed him back. "I'm going upstairs."

I climbed the stairs and jumped onto my bed, very very tired. I called Kimberley for a chat since I was also bored and beyond.

"Hey Chezza. You in bed?"
"Yep. You've just read me mind, Kimba!"
"Skype me, please!"
"Ok. See ya in a minute."

I hung up and logged onto Skype and called Kimberley straight away.

"Hi!" I waved to the screen.
"Hey, Chezza! Already in your pyjamas too?" Kimberley chirped.
"Yep, there's no way I'm getting out of these!" I nodded.
"I feel you. I still can't wait for tomorrow though."
"Same...but I'm so nervous. We could be sh*t." I laughed.
"Well, if we are then I'll question why Mr Austin thinks we the best singers in the world or something!"
"Us too, Kim."

We kept chatting for an hour or two before I had tea and went to bed. I need all the sleep I can get! But having three siblings in the house (my older brother, Joe is in college. So it's just me, my sister Gillian, my brother Andrew and Garry) is really annoying when I want to sleep. But I love them really. Of course I do.

Time to sleep!

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