Good Practice

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30 seconds in an no one dared make a move. It was harder than it seemed to suppress the urge to throw a kick in a wrestling match Jiro thought to herself. Anytime she inches closer setsuna adjusted and made her think twice

Any time she put her hands out they were slapped away. "No wonder you won state all four years, I can't get anywhere near you" jiro smirked and said as their hands collided once again

Setsuna chuckled and feinted a dive that made kyoka anchor herself immediately. The greenette wouldn't even let her think nor get comfy.

The air suddenly started to get thinner as things got tense. Kyoka loved no feeling more than this, a well matched fight that got her blood pumping.

She began to feel a rush of confidence and shot to take her opponent down quickly. It was all or nothing as she shot forward like a cannonball. Her left arm met with setsuna's and her right with the girls leg and wrapped it up tightly. Setsuna was shocked. Genuinely didn't expect the other girl to be this fast. Kyoka wrestled her other arm free and tied it around the same leg. Setsuna tried to bounce around and anchor herself but ended up crashing to the mat, Jiro on top. Kyokas early attempt to get an arm at was thwarted by her sharp toothed homie squeezing her legs around kyokas waist not letting her inch up.

"Danmit" kyoka said to herself " This is what I get for not taking this as a wrestling match. In a cage fight, she would've started raining punches on her opponent in this position or not. Not is this scenario though, this was a battle she wasn't used to.

She managed to stuff and arm in between her opponents legs before he really started to get winded. Kyoka grunted as she planted her foot and pushed with her free arm tried to try and lift Setsuna with her. Her muscles ached as she pushed against the mesh, struggling with this A-1 wrestlers gorilla grip.

Then Jiro sensed  a familiar feeling. The feeling of your opponent loosening to conserve energy. It was just a second that Setsunas legs gave a little leeway but Jiro capitalized and broke free.

She dove onto Setsuna to avoid being captured again. Jiro grabbed the girls arm and Setsuna turned to her side to avoid and arm bar attempt.

Right when she felt Setsuna try and pry her arm away she put an arm around her neck. Kyoka was going for the kill.

Being the seasoned wrestler she is, Setsuna slipped a hand in between Jiro said and her throat. Jiro gritted her teeth and squeezed as Setsuna flopped around. "Just tap out bitch" kyoka said playful/aggressively.

A minute went by and Setsuna broke free and went to work on Jiro. 5 more minutes went by, both girls trying their absolute hardest to win.

Izuku looked in awe at these women's stamina. He honestly thought Jiro would've caved quickly. Obviously the octagon would be a different story, he just hadn't seen his girl wrestle all that much , even during her bouts.

After another unsuccessful armbar by tokage, she rolled out of the way and got to her feet as Jiro pounced. Both girls struggled to their feet as they eyed eachother with malicious intent.

"You're a tough one to crack kyoka!" Setsuna said, sweat dripping off her brows as breathed in through her nose and out her mouth

"Why don't you..... ever tap out" kyoka said, heaving with her tongue hanging out of her mouth and hands on her knees.

Izuku stopped his crunches to look up for a second. "Too intense!" He thought as he closed his eyes abs went back to exercising

"I haven't tapped in like 3 years dude I'm not doing it today either" she said as she darted forward.

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