Comfort ;) :(

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Not a word was said between Jiro and the Uber driver the entire way there. She greeted him with a fake smile and the nod of her head before taking a seat in the back.

A small sigh left her lips when she exited the side door. Kyoka gave the driver a $5 bill as a tip for picking her up at such the hour, leaving before he could tell her he couldn't take it.

Fumbling around in her bag she acquired her ID card that took a few swipes to work. The click of the double door signaled warm and salvation. It felt like an hour getting from the entrance to floor 3 room 49 but there she was.

"Fuck" she said. Wiping her red eyes as she looked at herself thru a Snapchat filter to fix up. Before she could even knock or make sure she looked approachable, the door swung open.

There her was, her precious green haired angel looking good even in his pajamas. He must've been looking through the peephole waiting for her arrival. Her lips curved upon seeing his sweet, freckled face. "Well first things first you look phenomenal babe!".

She said nothing at the moment, she had nothing to say. The purple haired girl two a few steps forward and softly wrapped her arms around her sweet cinnamon roll's torso, showering him in her warm embrace. Jiro nuzzled her face into his chest as her hug on him tightened.

He knew she was hurt. Waiting until his everything had all the time she needed before talking, he had to ask one he saw her face.

She looked up at him with semi-puffy eyes and a tear rolling down her cheek. "I needed you so much, thank you for answering the door." Jiro said between a few sniffles.

"What happened" he said as endearing and concerned as he ever could.

"Eh, me and camie got into it, that's all". She said trying to seem nonchalant.

"What do you mean got into it?! Did she hurt you, can you still fight this weekend, is anything broken??" Deku said while trying to look for marks on her face.

His rambling continued until tears were visible in her eyes.

"W...why did you guys have to hookup?!" Jiro said between broken words, re-burying her face in his chest as she lightly pounded his shoulder with her fist.

Izuku sighed, kissing the top of her head as he let her tear ducts soak his shirt. "It was a year and a half ago Jiro and I was dealing with my first breakup. I felt broken after me and ochako decided to stop seeing eachother and needed some relief. It was at a party and she came onto ME, you know this baby."

She did know. Ever since her and izuku began to date a year back, camie hated her guts. Her boyfriend chose her over the prettiest girl in their entire school, that definitely took a toll on the blondes ego. Jiro knew her boyfriend loved her with every ounce of his being. The only thing she wished was that he didn't stick his dick in her.

He cupped her face and brought it lifted it so his green eyes met hers.

"I just hate her so fucking much man. I hate how she bothered you after we started dating. I hate how she walks on talks like she deserves you. I hate how she goes to the same fucking university as us!!!" The last comment made them both crack up.

He softly brought her forehead up to his as they met in the middle. "You're better than her in every single way. I've never loved anything so much in my ENTIRE. LIFE. You don't need need to compare nor compete with her because she's nothing compared to the beautiful and genuine person you.

He would've kept going if she didn't snake her arms around his crash their lips together. Their teeth clanked together as Jiro wasn't necessarily trying to be gentle. Her head rocked slightly while her tongue dove into every crevice of her lovers mouth, exploring every nook and cranny. The couple gasped for air when their lips disconnected, kyoka staring into his eyes with passion.

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