Like a brother, we care for each other

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Ack! Sorry for not updating again! I have been really busy with school, but I didn't want to abandon this story...


Finals suck

Italics in the single quote is Aloha's own thoughts, and also during a different POV, that character's thoughts as well.


Aloha POV:

In front of me, stood Skull, staring at me in suspicion.

'Shit, does he know?'

"Sk-Skull! W-What are you d-doing here?" I asked him, failing to not stutter or sound nervous. 

"Whats going on with you" He plainly asked me. 

Okay, Now I know for sure that he knows something. He just doesn't know what.

Pretending to not know what he was talking about, I answered with a "What do you mean?"

Sighing, Skull said, "You haven't been as happy lately. You missed 3 meetings, and you didn't respond to your phone for 3 cod damn days! Not to mention the fact that you are wearin-" 

Skull looked down and stopped in the middle of his sentence as his eyes widened slightly. 

'What is he staring at-'

Looking down as well, My eyes locked on my sleeves. I noticed that the blood from my new cuts were seeping out, causing little pink blots to form near the ends of my sleeves on the outside of my hoodie. Upon seeing this, I quickly hide my hands behind my back, but not before going noticed by Skull.

"...Aloha, show me your arm" Skull said, in a sharp commanding tone, voice unwavering.

"W-Why?" I asked him, while staring at his wide unblinking eyes. 

Instead of answering, Skull only pushed this topic further.

"Please...Show me your arm..." 

Fearing the worst, I answered, voice cracking.


With that, I started backing up, slowly making my way back into my apartment, but Skull took a step forward as well. 

Quick as a snake attacking, he grabbed onto my arm - which I had unknowingly brought forward in front of me again while talking with Skull - making me wince in pain from Skull's harsh grip right on my fresh scars, even through my hoodie.

Trembling in fear, I closed my eyes, expecting Skull to punch me or something. 

But instead, Skull took his other hand to roll down my left arm sleeve.

I instantly pulled my hand back, preventing Skull from rolling down my sleeves. 

Unfortunately, Skull tried this again, and this time I wasn't so lucky. 

Just before Skull rolled down my sleeve, I squeezed my eyes shut, letting some tears fall out, and started shaking.

Skull POV: 

I rolled down Aloha's sleeve to see..


Cuts everywhere, littered all over his arm. 

H-How has I never noticed this before? 

Some look as old as a few years, but...there was 3 fresh looking cuts, and those three were still bleeding, badly.

Masked Hope: A Splatoon Manga Aloha fanficWhere stories live. Discover now