Final Chapter: The Miraculous Winter Landscape

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Chat Noir's P.O.V:

In the aimless darkeness of space, the world we are living in continues to spin around, and this morning, I wonder where she ran off to...

Marinette sat down alone by herself underneath a tree, listening to kids telling a little story to each other (it's better if I don't explain it) , then an little butterfly came from behind the tree and flied near Marinette and landed on the tip of her finger.

Marinette's P.O.V:
When the butterfly land on my finger tip, it reminds me of how much lonely I have become even more than when I have become the guardian of the Miraculous, images popped into my head and I'm seeing my parents leaving me behind, abandoning me, everyday since then, I just wanna cry because of how lonely I was, no matter how many tears I shed, I couldn't get a good hell of a cry.

After a while, I got up and left, and through this time, I can feel the heartbeat through my chest as I also hear a school bell ringing somewhere in a distance and the sound of the train rolling through the tracks, I kept walking and walking until I arrived at the bridge.

Afterwards, my phone was ringing and I got several texts, but I didn't pick it up, I hate talking on the phone and I felt that there is nowhere else to stay, and if Alya or anyone I care about worries about me, then it makes me feel like an jackass, then it started raining and I started bursting into tears, crying like there is no other way.

Chat Noir's P.O.V:

Later, I decided to go and find her as I became worried about her, I love it when her face smiles, but it could be that the smile is all a lie and she uses it to hide her sorrow and grief, I don't understand why she cried, but no matter what will happen to her, I'll always be by her side for I am her Chat Noir after all.

Marinette's P.O.V:

I know I gotta be independent but still....

"Hey m'lady.."

Chat Noir was standing there with a worried look on his face "Is everything alright, M'lady?"

"Chat Noir, I thought you were at home, I, uh....."

Then I came close to Chat and started sobbing "Oh Chat, thank God that you're okay, this is all my fault, I shouldn't leave you "sniff" and I am nothing but a really fucking terrible person to you, aren't I.... "Sniff" I'm sorry for making you take such a big shitty risk."

Chat Noir pulled me into a hug saying "It's okay M'lady, I understand you and I get it's really fucking hard to be alone, take the time you need to cry, I'll be their for you no matter what." So I hugged him harder and soaked the tears I need to let out on him for a while."

"Come on M'lady, let's get you home..."

Chat Noir's P.O.V:

After Marinette got a good long cry, I took her in and also got her out of her clothes and hanged them up to dry because they were wet, and I gave her a blanket to wrap herself in to keep herself warm, just then Alya, who is worried about Marinette, arrived to check on her bff "Oh dear god, Marinette, are you alright?" She cried.

Marinette replied "I'm okay, just catched a fever from "sniff" being in the rain too long, Chat also had to call my work place about my absence."

But then Alya gave me a little look and asked "Girl, why the hell are you only in your underwear and blanket?" And Marinette was embarrassed by it saying "Look, I got wet in the rain, so Chat removed them to hang them up." And Alya replied "He's playing dirty on you, isn't he?" This made Marinette blush even harder enough to elbow Alya on the shoulder and they both giggled. Then I came in to serve them both soup and rice saying "Here you are, bon appétit m'ladies!" And I left them to let them enjoy their meal.

Marinette's P.O.V:

After we finished our meal, Alya said to me "To be honest with you, I thought you're pretty different the other day, but I know that people like you only change when being serious on things like work, and superhero stuff." Then she stated that she wanted to start over again starting with something new, and she wants to start it with me, wanting to help me not feel alone just like how Chat helped me, with those words I hugged her and thanked her.

Chat Noir's P.O.V:

After all those things I've done to care for Marinette and keep her company, I know that she'll be ready to take on challenges, especially with a little help from Alya, my mission was completed and I head off back home where my father awaits for me, and I've gone to back to my normal life.

Later, the seasons have changed and it's now winter, Marinette got ready for work and Alya offered to drive her to the train station, I am proud that Marinette was ready for a new life and a new beginning as she glazed at the beautiful snow "Thank you, Chat Noir, for everything."

Author's Note:

Hey guys, I guess this ending wraps everything up, this is my last story before I leave this school, I don't know if I'll be coming back, maybe sometime I might start another story someday but thanks for enjoying my stories and I hope you guys have an amazing journey to a new life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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