1 chapter: kidnapped

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"No please don't I promise I will be a good girl please daddy" I say scream as they leave the room but before they leave Jackson said "you need to learn your lesson bitch" with his deep voice.

y/n pov

My boyfriend was driving home as he had his hands on my thigh and I was looking at the window just enjoying this. I turn to him and just look at him as he looks back at me and gives me a smile and a little kiss. I really don't know what I would do without him. He is the love of my life but I hate when it is the weekend because...

Flashback to the night

I came home after work and I walked in and saw alcohol bottles everywhere. I walk to are room and I see him laying down on the bed "babe what the hell are you doing I'm getting sick of this shit you need to stop or get some help" I say out loud as he looks at me and walks to me.

He grabbed my neck pin me to a wall and looked deep in my eyes "I don't have to do shit for you and you watch your mouth next time if you even do not again I well make you regret do you understand" I look at him trying to catch some air "yes I do".

He let go and I start choking for air I ran out the room grab my key and went outside I went to my car and just sit there thinking "I need to leave him I can't do this no more" after thinking for a while I went back inside and I saw him pass out of the couch.

I went to the room and packed my bags. After I got done I hid the bag under the bed and went to sleep.

Back to today
After we got him I cleaned the house a bit "when he leaves that's your time to go" I said to myself after I got done cleaning I made some food for him. He comes in the kicken and kisses my neck "mmm that smell good babygirl" "I know but I need you to get us some drink" he grabs my chin and says "ok babe be right back love u" as he kisses my forehead.

He grabbed his stuff and went to the store. After he left I finished his dinner and grabbed my stuff. I went to the car and drove off. I did not know where I was again but I needed to go somewhere far away from him.

3 hours later

It was getting dark and I was in the middle of nowhere there were trees all around me then out of no way I ran out of gas "no no please not know fuck!" I pull over and sit there crying I got out and grab my packs and wait for a car to come. About 4 cars went past me and did not look at I kept walking what felt like forever.

Then out of nowhere a car pulls in front of me and two muscular walk to me with a mad face one of the men grab my leg and the other one with something over my mouth. all I remember was them throwing me in a trunk and one of them say "she looks so perfect king well really love her" then I pass out.  

kidnapped by the mafia leaderWhere stories live. Discover now