chapter 13

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//kian pov//

The week went by so frickin fast I can't even believe it. We went to Vidcon, explored the city, did some meet and greets, and I cheated on my boyfriend.

Technically it doesn't count cause she kissed me! Not the other way around! But I'm still at fault because I haven't even apologized yet or even talked to him! I'm such a douchebag, he must hate me. I feel so shitty for doing this to him, but I don't know what to say. I'm afraid he'll hate me. Well I guess it's too late for me to save him from Wanting to stab be in the eye with the leg of a chair but he still deserves an explanation.

I looked at my reflection in the airports bathroom mirror and sighed. I couldn't get my second day hair to look decent, so I covered it with a SnapBack. I glanced at myself once more before rolling up the sleeves of my grey hoodie joining the guys at our gate. It was 7pm now and our flight was around 9pm. Trevor would probably sleep the whole flight, and Ricky would take selfies with him while he snores.

A half hour later, i heard a racket to left, interrupting my twitter scrolling session. I look up and see a small crowd of fans approaching us, some holding cards, others clutching cameras and crying. Awh they came to say bye! I honestly love our fans so much. I took pictures with a few people, signed some shirts and phone cases, the I mostly sat back and watched others engage in their own conversations. Jc was tucked away in the corner by the window and all our bags when a short girl with long brunette hair and big glasses approached him. She was wearing an oversized tribal print tee tucked into a pair of blue ripped skinny jeans. She was oddly familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on where I've seen her before. And boy, was she beautiful. I was immediately jealous.

She sat down next to him and smiled. They were seated quite closed I'm not comfortable with the closeness of their bodies. I sit down and lean back in my chair, intently watching their every move. They started talking and she laughed at something he said. He probably told her one of the stupid jokes he used to always tell me at 3am when I'm tired and he's trying to keep me awake. All of a sudden they got really quiet and he whispered in her ear. She nodded and got really flirty after that. What the fuck is this? Jc is flirting with some random fan? We haven't broken up!! But they seem very interested in each other.

I was just about to intervene when I remembered that it would be shitty for the reason to talk to him for the first time in 5 days over him flirting with a chick. So I sit back and bite my tongue. Then jc leans in. Then she leans in. Then they're kissing. I can't believe this. I would be extremely pissed, but I'm just sad. Sad because now I know how he felt. And I feel even worse than I did before.

They pulled apart and she started giggling. They talked a little more before exchanging numbers and parted ways. All the fans left Shortly after that. I'm sick of this town now and I wanna go home. This trip has messed up our relationship and I don't know how to fix it.

//jc pov//

This is so cool! The fans came to say bye to us while we were waiting for our flight!! All the guys talked to basically everyone there except I spoke to this one girl the whole time. We were really similar and she was so cool and sweet! Her name was Britney and We hit it off really well. she told me she was the one at our question hour that asked if jian was real and I instantly remembered her. She tucked her hair behind her ears and smiled.

"I'm so happy I'm getting to talk to you! I've watched your videos ever since you started and you're so cute and I love you!"

She said to me all at once. I thanked at her and awkwardly picked at the strap of my carry on. I hope she's not into me, I mean she's gorgeous and really cool but I'm gay! She seemed to sense my shift of mood and she vigorously shook her head, turning to face me again.

"Damn that makes it sound like I have a crush on you! Don't worry I don't." She said quickly, pushing up her glasses. I placed my hand over my heart.

"Ouch. Am I that bad?." I said sarcastically. She laughed and shoved me playfully.

"You know what I mean! Like, you're really hot but I'm a lesbian. And I have a girlfriend." My eyes widened slightly. I didn't expect it, I mean she seems like the type to have guys all over her. Guess you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. She started to get a bit shy by my reaction.

"Awh that's awesome! I totally support lgbtq+, and if I'm being completely honest with you, I'm bisexual so... Yeah"

"Really?? Wow that's awesome! Never expected it though. I always though here was something going on between you and kian. I totally ship it." She said with a dreamy look on her face. I grimaced slightly.

"Yeah about that... We actually dated for a few months." I said. She started freaking out and slapping my arm.

"OMG YES. I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!! you guys are so cute together and I promise I won't tell a soul- wait. Dated as in past tense... Did you guys break up?" Her tone went from excited af soothing in 1.5 seconds. I told her what had happened, beginning to end. I really feel like I can trust her. She came up with a plan to get his attention and snap him out of his sooky state of mind that he's been in the last few days. We kissed. She said she didn't mind, and said something along the lines of "I'll go down with this ship" whatever that means. As soon as our lips met I missed Kian's. How they were always so soft and moved in sync with mine or how he'd kiss my cheek all the time and I just miss him. I really hope he's watching.

When we split apart my plane was getting ready to board so we exchanged numbers and I told her I'd keep her up to date on the "jian" situation. When I joined the guys, none of them high gives me or teased me like we all usually did when one of us picked up a chick.they were all so confused about me and kian that they just stared and awkwardly look around. Meanwhile, kian was not hiding his surprise. He stood slack jawed and wide eyed. He had dropped his knapsack on the floor moments prior and now he was just dumbfounded. He looked confused. Well that's what he gets for kissing a hoe and not even attempting to apologize I guess.

I was trying to update earlier but then I decided to play bingo #dontjudge. 3k. Wow. thank you all so much, if you're reading this were getting married. Now excuse me while I binge watch american horror story k bye[*_*]

jian //drunken mistakeWhere stories live. Discover now