chapter 1

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I woke up with a pounding headache, half naked, and covered in Cheetos.


I groaned and rolled over, falling off the couch onto the cold floor. I must've got so drunk last night, shit, I don't remember anything that happened past 9:30. Damn.

Last night the guys and I threw a party at our place and invited everyone we know in the area. It was sick! All our friends must've went home, since the house was seemingly empty, besides a few Low whispers coming from the kitchen.

I trudged in, desperate for some coffee and Advil to cure my insane hangover.
"Seriously it's not that big of a deal, like Kian won't remember anyway so-"
"What won't I remember?" I interrupted jc as he calmly spoke to Connor, Ricky and Sam. His eyes flicked up to mine, then peered down at Ricky's phone. Ricky slid his phone across the table as Connor and Sam watched with smirks on their faces. I was curious to what they were on about so i picked up Ricky's phone and leaned back against the counter. I clicked play on what seemed to be a video from last night. What I saw next was not anything I expected.


"I'm gonna tell Lia."

Jc stated calmly as I stared in horror at Ricky's phone screen. What the hell?

" No way. She's too over protective. If you tell her she will definitely have a problem with it!"

"Kian unlike you I don't keep secrets from my girlfriend. Mine and Lias relationship is built on trust and love. She'll understand. It's not like it meant anything."

For some reason that stung. It meant nothing. wow. Whatever I shouldn't be offended, if course it meant nothing.

"Do not bring Andrea and I into this. We broke up because we just didn't feel the same as we used to!"

Let's just say jc wasn't so calm anymore. He got up from his seat and boy, was he angry.

"Well at least I can keep a girl. You're just pissed cuz she got bored of you!"

"bullshit!" I spat out looking down on him. It's times like these when I really appreciate my height.

"If I kept it from her and a she found that video a few months Down the road, she'd be pissed! I'll just tell her myself now. She'll understand, and it's not like we had sex. I'll tell her it was a stupid, meaningless fucking kiss. because that's the truth!"

My breathing was staggered as I backed away from him. Sam and Connor had awkwardly left by this time, but Ricky was watching us like a hawk. I frustratedly ran my hand through my hair, tugging at the ends. "You know what, fuck you. She's got her hooks in you so deep that you're forgetting that we are your friends! I'm your friend. But whatever. Obviously you only care about her so I don't give a rats ass what you do. I. Don't. Care."

I went for a walk to clear my head, leaving the tension in the air thicker than blood. I'm not thinking straight right now. When I got back it was 8pm, the house was silent and dark. I dragged my feet back to my room and fell asleep trying to remember every detail I could about the kiss. The stupid, drunken mistake.

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