hold on tight.

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it's been a while since the party. it's been a while since i saw you too.

you haven't reached out to me despite my constant texts consisting of 'i miss you's' and 'i love you's'.

my family had been going through a lot, both emotionally and financially.

it was getting all too much for me.

on top of my mental health i had three jobs to make sure i went to.

finally i decided to text you again.

ask for help,

can you come today? i need help.
read 8:29 p.m

putting my shoes on i walk to the one place i can get away to.

our shared spot.

the park.

arriving i see you aren't here yet.

i hope you even show up, seeing as how you've been so distant.

"hey." you greet me, sitting beside me on a small bench.


you call it weakness.

"why do you need help? do you even need it, because i have somehwere to be." you spoke, looking down at your phone texting.

"yeah i need it. i just needed someone to talk to because my family- and- and my jobs. i just figured-"

i don't think you were too pleased with my answer, seeing your reaction as i spoke, and the fact you jumped up yelling. "god! you're so fucking weak! why can't you just handle shit on your own? fuck, i mean, you dont see me complaining about anything to you!"

"but you complain to someone else right?" fuck, what am i saying?

"so now you're accusing me of something?" you breathe out.

"n-no i-"

"fine. you know what, why don't we just break this off? it's not working out."

no, no, no, no, no. please, no.

eyes widened i shout desperately, "n-no! please i'm sorry!" quickly before you could walk away i grip your wrist, preventing you from leaving.

lied and promised me my freedom.

"god cant you understand, or do i need to spell it out for you? i. don't. want. you. it's obvious! i was just toying with you. i found someone new too, and trust me they're better than you." harshly, you yank your arm from me.

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