love kills.

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i hold you so proudly

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i hold you so proudly.

walking alone and thinking, no matter how hard i try and stop, the thoughts keep coming.

from as little as i can remember, to when i was crying my heart out.

i used to be so happy.

so carefree.

no one taught me about love, no one taught me about heartbreak.

no one taught me about the world.

just the weight even living can put on you

traumas, they surround me

my legs are so sore.

i've been walking for hours.

walking to no where in particular either.

i have no where to walk to.

my family is gone, and i don't have you anymore.

what's the point? there is no one waiting for me. nothing to come back to.

i've lost my purpose.

i'm tired of fighting.

it doesnt matter, the world will keep spinning with or without me, and you'll still be happy.

so i stop walking hearing the cars move fast beside me on both sides, some honking for me to move out of the street.

looking down smiling at my broken phone you had got me in my hand, i think,

i wish you'd just love me back.

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