Don't Know How

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A/N: Alrighty this is an angsty chapter. I literally have no experience writing lemons :,D

Rantaro and Miu have been dating for about 6 months. And to admit, it was an incredibly hard and rough relationship. Rantaro sat in the living room reading a book. He and Miu just had a major argument... again. They argued a lot recently. Miu absorbed herself into her inventions, she wouldn't leave her workshop until late during the night. 

He was scared. Scared that their relationship was breaking into pieces and didn't know what the hell to do. He missed the old Miu. His Miu. Yeah, she'd cuss him out but he knew better. He knew that she didn't want to be hurt. Not again.

The front door opened. Revealing a nervous looking Miu. Her eyes were raw and puffy. Was she crying?.. Rantaro stood up and walked towards her. "Miu.." She turned her gaze away from him. "Hey... Can we talk?" She whispered. His heartbeat started to accelerate. They had their share of serious talks. But this time it was... different. "Yeah, of course. Let's sit down" He replied softly. He held her hand in his. She sighed defeatedly, which made him even more nervous. They walked over to the living room in silence. They sat in silence in a while. Rataro attempted to say something but no words came out of his mouth. He remembered the younger days of their relationship, they'd laugh and talk about anything and everything.


He snapped back into reality. "What is is?" He asked lowly. He looked down on his lap while fiddling with his rings. Anything to escape the tension of the moment. "I don't think this is working—before you say anything, this isn't your fault. I hope you don't think it is." She said is a hushed tone. Rantaro looked at her in disbelief. We weren't working!? What did she mean? Why, why? He felt the tears attempting to escape. "Why?" His voice cracked while he said that. 

She looked panicked. The strawberry blonde didn't expect this reaction. Their relation was deteriorating after all. He was crying? "I don't know how—how to love." She said. It wasn't true. Yet it wasn't completely a lie. She loved Rantaro with all her heart. But she knew in the end she would be the one to get hurt.

Hurt others before they can hurt you.

that was her motto. Something she lived by. All the men—and women she had been with hurt her. It took her a while to learn. This world is ruthless. So you must be ruthless too. Miu had lived in darkness her whole life. When she had an accident as a child giving her the brain power to create exceptional inventions. Her classmates would call her 'the shaky eyed freak'. But now she was older, more mature. Yet it still felt the same. "Miu please.." He begged. His arms traveled to enclose her in a tight hug. He never wanted to let her go. ever. "Please don't leave me—I love you so so much.." He said in a whisper. The tears dampened the strawberry blonde's shirt. He loves me? She's been through this break up process thousands of times. But it felt different this time. It tugged on her ever breaking heart.

"Rantaro.. you know i'm a bad person—its for your own good" She whimpered. She felt the tears roll down her cheeks uncontrollably. He sobbed louder. She wasn't bad. She wasn't just some horny bastard. She was just misunderstood. He got to see the true Miu Iruma under her facade. She was shy and sweet. She had issues. But that was okay! More than okay! He felt as if he didn't do his part in making her accept herself. And that he wouldn't dare to hurt her. ever. 

"I—I'll get going now.." She said. Her voice was raspy and small. She removed his arms from her frame and quickly rushed out the door.

And just like that, she was gone.

Rantaro Amami  X Miu Iruma Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن