Chapter 1

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"With this blood oath, I swear." Arianna said before slicing the palm of her hand with a knife.

She handed the knife to one of the other girls, who repeated the process.

"Uh, doesn't this seem a bit extreme to you guys, I don't really think we have t—"

"You're not chickening out of this one Liv." The other girl said.

"Im not being a chicken Ruby, this just seems unsanitary." Liv responded.

"Just take the knife and get it over with." Arianna said irritably.

Liv sighed, and hesitantly took the knife.
"Whatever. With this blood oath, I swear." Liv didn't slice her palm, but poked it hard enough that it bled.

"Ok, lets put our hands together." Arianna said.

"We swear, we'll never date or kiss any girl
in our group of friends." They said simultaneously.

"Especially Willow." Arianna added.

"Right, no Willow" Ruby agreed.

"Yep." Liv also agreed.

"Hey what are you guys doing?" Asked a girl who had seen the boys in the distance.

Arianna quickly hid her bloody hand, and waved at the girl with her other.

"Hi Willow."


We kept that oath for five years. We were so young and naive , and innocent. back then.
But that all changed the summer I turned 15.

When our whole world came crashing down.

"You're staring again." I said to Liv.

"No I'm not." Liv said while obviously staring at Willow.

A girl with dirty blonde hair, and gorgeous green eyes. She was currently sitting on a rock wearing a crop top and shorts, writing in her journal.

Sometimes I stare at Willow too, however I don't make it blatantly obvious like Liv does.

"Still staring." I said to Liv.

"No, you're the one staring." She said.

"What are you two whispering about?" Willow said, looking up from her journal.

"Uh.. well, Ari was.. complaining about having to get a job now. Right Ari?" Liv lied.

"Uh , y-yeah. That's right. In fact, I have to go right now. I've got a job interview this afternoon." I said before taking off.

"You better get one quick, you only have two days before—"

"I know, I know!" I called back, already knowing what Willow was going to say.

I actually don't have an interview today, but I'm not in the mood to hear another lecture about getting a job. I already hear enough of it from my older sister Jessie.

Jessie and I were currently eating dinner.

"How's the job search going? You know there's only—"

"Two days left, yes I know." I snapped irritably.

In our town, you only have six weeks after you turn 15, to find a job. If you don't, they take away half of your rations.

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