Chapter 2

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BLAM! The loud sound of a shotgun being let off rung through the air.

Ari pushed the now dead, and headless zombie off of her.

"You alright kid?" Mr. Regal asked

"Please tell me I'm fired." I said.


Rambunctious laughter could be heard coming from the local general store, Grimes.

"Please tell me I'm fired? You actually said that shit?" Ruby said between laughter.

"Did you piss your pants Ari?" Liv joked.

"You mean like when you pissed your pants at summer camp in third grade?" Willow teased Liv.

"Why do you always have to bring it up." Liv muttered.

"Well I think you're pretty brave Ari. Maybe even as brave as you're sister." Willow said to me.

I scoffed. "Please, my sister is a—-" coward.

My sister is a goddamn coward. I've never said it out loud however.

"... Your sister is a what?" Ruby asked.

"Hot. Her sister is hot, that's what she is." Willow said.

Liv, Ari and Ruby just stared at her.

"For an older women you know. At least that's what my mom says." Willow shrugged.

I gagged. "Please kill me."

Ruby picked up her cup of soda.

"Ahem, remember what we're all here for in the first place guys."

"Yep, congrats on the new job." I said as I clinked her cup with mine.

"So, what is a spotter?" Willow asked.

"You just chill in a watchtower just watching  the zombies. You only have the sun, the breeze and your thoughts. It's amazing." Ruby smiled.

"They see that you can see across the valleys, and all the way into the Ruins that stretch from here in California, all the way too—"

"Hey Tamina! Hi Naomi!" I said, greeting the two women who just walked into the store.
"Hey guys!" Liv also greeted.

".... the Atlantic." Ruby finished lamely.

"Hey Uce! Throw some steaks on the grill." Tamina called to the cook.

Tamina "Superfly" Snuka. Zombie killer and the most badass bounty hunter in the world.

Naomi snatched a bottle of beer from a woman who was  sitting at a table with her friend.

That's Tamina's cousin, and right-hand woman. Naomi.

Her real name is Trinity, but she likes to go by Naomi.

"You gals look like you're done here. You don't mind if we take your table do ya?" Tamina said cooly.

Willow grabbed my arm. Her hand.. is on my arm.

"I can't be here Ari." She said.

"Umm, what.. why?" I asked.

"My mom told me not to be near those two. Cause they're bad news, and don't treat people right." She answered.

I almost laughed. "What? They're the coolest people in this town." I said.

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